Chapter 1.1

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Propping my head up on the side of the boat, I stretched and yawned as the yacht gently bobbed against the calm waves. The bright tropical sun shine through my black, long hair, and I covered my eyes with my hand.

When I looked again, two big blue eyes accompanied by light blonde hair were staring into my own blue eyes. "You awake, Joshua?" my friend Leo asked. Nodding my head, I sat up. His twin, Theo, was sitting nearby, reading a book with glasses perched on his nose, immersed in his novel.

"Theo, it's supposed to be a vacation. Have some fun!" The tall, lanky, black haired, brown eyed Japanese teen walked over to Theo and pulled the edge of his book down. Glaring up at him, Theo pushed his glasses up with two fingers. "If you're going to try and tease me about reading on vacation, Daichi, then I must inform you that reading is a popular way to spend your free time."

Daichi smiled, shrugged, and turned, pretending to be exasperated. "What am I gonna do with you?" I yawned again and stood up, walking from the three to the cabin. Peering into the room, I found Alex sitting at the steering wheel, observing the map and compass.

Knocking on the frame of the door, I startled him. He looked up, then gave a relieved sigh. "Oh, it's just you, Josh." Gasping in fake offense, I placed a hand over my heart. "Just me? Alex, I thought we were more than that." Walking over to his chair, I looked over his shoulder at the maps.

"What's up? You're usually less jumpy than this." His blue eyes clouded with worry, then he shook his head. "It's really nothing. Just... Before this trip, I planned for every contingency, and made sure the weather would be good. But I must've messed up in my calculations somewhere, because this says a large storm is heading our way. Should be here in a few hours."

"Oh snap, really? Should we change course?" Alex shook his head again and out on what seemed to be a poor attempt at a care-free smile. "No, I wouldn't want to ruin the others' vacation. It must just be a slight miscalculation." Studying his face, I nodded slowly and began to make my way back on deck. "Okay, if you say so. You're the captain."

At those words, Alex flinched and briskly nodded. "Right... Well... Bye." I left the cabin and walked back out on deck to the sound of the guys laughing. I hope he's right about that storm... I thought to myself.

Leo calling my name snapped me out of my thinking. "Hey, Josh! Come play shuffleboard with us! The games' in my favor, join my team!" I smiled to myself and went to join Leo, much to the disappointment of my friends. Pushing the earlier thoughts out of my head, I tried to focus on the game. Alex was probably correct about the storm. I'm sure that it's nothing.

Those were my thoughts as I pushed the disk/puck down the board. Little did I know how wrong I was. I sometimes think back on that day, and think about what I could've done to avoid all that trouble. Although, I's never would have gotten to experience the adventure that started with a simple boating trip.




Flecks of sand scratched at my pupils as I lifted my suddenly-heavy body from the sand. Coughing out seawater, I mustered the strength to look around. Stretched far and near to both sides was white, bright sand, and further up the beach was the edge of a dense jungle.

Nothing was familiar, with strange animal sounds coming from the jungle ahead. Thoughts buzzed in my head like a swarm of angry bees. What... Where am I?

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