Monday: August 24th,2013

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Dear diary,

I wake up today. It is Sunday. I have a big smile on my face. I turn on my computer-while still wearing my pajamas- and I type up in YouTube this anime. 

After that, I take a warm shower, and I change into these comfortable clothes. I am ready to do everything today. 

After that, I went downstairs

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After that, I went downstairs. I walk to the place where you can do sports for the competition. I sign myself up for the High jump. The others watch me in the sidelines. 

After that, we 7 went back to our vacation place. When we get back, I happily hop into the water, and I start to swim like a dog.  Everyone smiles because my puppy swimming is so cute.

After that, I take a shower again, and I change into these clothes. 

Then, I Went to my bedroom and I take  a video about myself

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Then, I Went to my bedroom and I take  a video about myself. I talk about my day-in Thai of course- and the upcoming anime that I really want to watch.

Then I eat supper and I go to bed. 

Nice short day, huh.

I did not get to text because I am really busy. 

Yay today,

Jimin Park

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