Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and came face to face with an adorably sleeping Dax. He had a muscled arm draped over my waist in a protective manner. I could see his bare chest rise and fall rhythmically. I turned to look at the alarm clock that was on a small table next to me. It read five in the morning. I grimaced. I was supposed to start this pack's training at four this morning. I slowly and softly attempted to remove his arm without waking him. His eyebrows creased and his eyes opened.

"What are you trying to do, love?" he asked, pecking my lips. I sat up.

"I need to start their training. I was supposed to be up an hour ago," I said, making my way to his bathroom to brush my teeth.

"I see," he chuckled. "By the way, you look so damn sexy in my shirt, Alessa," he said.

"I try," I replied, making him chuckle. His shirt happened to reach my mid-thigh. I freshened up and went to my suitcase, noticing Dax fixing the bed.

"It's early, babe. You should go back to sleep," I said, grabbing my black basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt that clung slightly to my body. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"I'd prefer to watch you kick wolf butt," he said with amusement. I smirked and turned around, still in his arms. I kissed him softly.

"You'll get quite the entertainment, Dax," I said. "Now, let go so I can change," I said, smacking his chest playfully. He grinned and let me go. I stepped aside and took the grey shirt, his grey shirt, off.

"Damn, baby girl. I don't think I'm gonna let you walk out of this room without a quickie," he said huskily. I laughed and put on the shorts and shirt.

"Sorry, babe, but I'd like to get those lazy butts off their beds with a bang," I winked, making him laugh. I put on some black socks and my converse.

"I'd love to see that," he said, walking to his drawers and pulling out a grey shirt to match me, seeing as he had black basketball shorts on already. He pulled it over his well-toned chest and slipped his shoes on. I picked up the grey shirt I had removed and dropped it into the laundry basket in the closet, making my way out. Dax followed behind me. I made my way downstairs, where the kitchen was, grabbing the megaphone I had left the night before. I got a nearby pan and a spatula. I turned the megaphone(MP) on and made my way outside.

"Babe mind holding it, while I do this? Oh and put these on," I said, handing him the MP, and then reaching in my shorts' pocket for some plugs. I handed those to him. "Your enhanced hearing will make this deafening," I said. He took the plugs and put them on. That's when I banged the spatula roughly against the pan, making quite the noise sound out on the MP. I waited for about ten seconds before the door was slammed open and pissed off males came rushing out with only shorts on. A satisfied grin crossed my face.

"What the fuck was that?!!" a pissed off Seb came through the males, followed by a half dressed, slutty Lana. I glared at her.

"That was the alarm for training," I spoke into the MP, which Dax had handed me after taking off his plugs. Seb visibly calmed down and walked toward me.

"You could've warned me," he grumbled. I moved in close and whispered very lowly.

"I thought we weren't talking," I stated coldly, making him growl lowly. I felt Dax' arm pull me back quickly. He set himself in front of me in a protective manner.

"Everyone listen up!" I yelled into the MP, removing Dax' arm from me and facing toward the crowd of males and females that had formed by the door. "This is the beginning of your training. I am Alessa Sartori, your new and, hopefully, permanent trainer!" I spoke.

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