Chapter 10

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Sunlight beamed through the windows of Carlisle's office as you slowly opened your eyes groaning in pain due to your sides and your splitting headache. You were laying on a hospital looking trolley, and you looked over to see Jacob laying in the hospital trolley next to you, he was shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his stomach with blood leaking through the bandage, along with with another bandage around his forehead. his eyes were shut and you saw the slow movements of his chest rising and falling as he slept. he looked so peacefull and you hoped that when or if he woke up that he wouldn't be in too much. You heard the door creak open and saw Sam come in smiling softly when he saw that you were awake. "Sam?..." you said lifting up your head slightly to look at him. "hey Y/N..." he replied coming over to you, he smiled putting a hand on your cheek and you closed your eyes. "uh, Carlsile said your ribs are broken, along with a few other abdominal bone that were shattered and it was poking into your loungs like we thought...but he took care of it. you'll need to stay off of your feet for a while. Bella convinced her dad to hold off on the dinner for you guys for a couple of weeks. and your parents are home, but they think you are staying with a friend for a while...which they were surprisingly ok with....and we called and talked to the school. so everything is sorted out. Now all that's left to do is keep yo off of your feet until your ribs are fully healed. Luckily jacob only suffered a broken leg and a cut along his stomach, but he will also be alright" you sighed in relief. "I'm going to let the others know you are awake alright?" Sam said raising his eyebrows heading for the door. you nodded and layed your head back down on your pillow. about a minute later carlisle appeared in the doorway and walked over to you with a stethoscope, "I need to check your heart rate to make sure you are stabalized". you lightly nodded your head as Carlisle checked your heart rate, "Looks like you've stabalized. that's good news considering the amount of trauma your body went through in the fight. Carlisle went to write something on his clipboard, "Hey...I'm sorry..." you said turning your head foward and looking at the medicine cabinet. "What?" Carlisle asked raising an eyebrow. "I was stupid...I should of known that I couldn't beat Aro...i knew that from the beginning. I just....I guess I just thought that....." you sighed and closed your eyes trying not to get too emotional. "Hey, hey its okay" Carlisle said putting a hand on your cheek. "You were just trying to protect jacob and the pack, it wasnt your fault" you looked up at him and nodded your head. "I know, I know. I should've never told jacob what happened to me though. Maybe then we wouldn't be here like this...and nobody would've gotten hurt" carlisle pursed his lips and looked down stuffing his hand into his pocket. "All that matters now, is that you and Jacob will be fine. but for now you need to rest" he said walking towards the door. "What time is it?" you said looking out the window "It's about 5:30 p.m" Carlisle said before leaving the room and you layed your head down and let your heavy eyelids shut.
You let your eyelids flutter open when you felt sunlight leak in through the window of Alice's room that she had shared with you for the past few weeks. You get up and grab a brush brushing through your hair and walking down the stairs trying not to too much force on your bones. when you made your way downstairs you saw the cullens sitting on the couches in a circle and they looked at you when you walked into the room. "Hey Y/N" carlilse said smiling weakly. "what's wrong with him?" you asked grabbing an apple and raising an eyebrow looking to Edward. "He concerned about the Volturi and when Aro will strike yet again" Edward replied frowning and leaning against the counter. "Ugh the Volturi, honestly why is Aro so obsessed with catching me anyway?" you asked rolling your eyes and biting into your apple. "We're not sure, it could be for multiple reasons, He could want to keep you as bait against us and Jacob, He could also want you just for some twisted torture he may have planned to make you give up the secrets up the Quilettes" you frowned sitting down as Jacob came into the room and sitting next to you placing an arm around your shoulder. "Or he could be in love" Rosalie said putting her hands on her hips. "What? no, that's impossible. The Vampires and the Quilettes are sworn enemies. there's no way--" you began but Edward cut you off "That's true...but he has been acting like a total fanboy towards you. he can't seem to leave your side. almost like he wants to have you" you scoffed "Have me? I'm not an object to be had" you said in exasperation. "That's not how it works...when vampires want/need something, especially those of higher power...they do whatever it takes to get it." Edward replied raising both eyebrows towards you. "Does that sound familiar Eddy boy?" Alice said smirking and looking towards Edward, "Cut it out, and don't call me Eddy boy again" edward said scowling at Alice. "Ok Gramps!" You and Alice replied in unision as the two of you skipped off to Alice's bedroom. when you reached the door you giggle and threw it open dragging Alice into it ans slamming the door behind you and locking it. Alice laughed and looked towards you "He's really mad" she said being taken over by laughter "Yeah well, gramps didn't have his afternoon nap and it was bound to happen...even though...he doesn't sleep...ever....You get the idea!" you replied laughing and flopping down onto the guest bed that carlisle and Alice had given you to put in alice's room so you had somewhere to sleep. just then you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket and you pulled it out to see "Mother" flashing on the screen, you picked it up still giggling about the flustered edward downstairs "Hello?" you said grinning from ear to ear. but then your smile began to fade as your mother explained how your brother had an extremely high fever and he was showing symptoms of his first transformation. "Um, ok give me a sec" you said pinching the bridge of your nose "How bad is it right now?" you asked but you quickly got your answer when you heard your brother crying in the background and you pursed your lips frowning because you knew the pain he was in at the moment. "He's in a lot of pain, Y/N I know you had one more day with your friends , but do you mind coming home early...he needs his sister. he won't let me or your father near him" you sighed and sat on the edge of your bed "Yeah, yeah i'll be home as soon as I can-- ok-- ok mom, bye" you said hanging up the phone and burying your face in your hands. "what was that?" Alice asked sitting next to you, "It's Kaden, he's going through the first stages of a transformation...I need to be there for him" Alice nodded and stood up and opening the door. "alright, let's go" she said walking out of the room she rushed downstairs and explained the situation to everyone and they all understood. especially Jacob, "Hey Y/N? take it easy on your bones.. you can't transform for another few days" Carlisle said standing up with a look of concern on his face "yeah, yeah, yeah" you replied throwing open the front door and walking outside to see your motorcycle "YOU GOT IT BACK!!" you yelled walking over to it. "Rosalie walked out and said "Hell yeah, we couldn't just leave at the school" laughing, you laughed too and hugged her "Thank you" you replied before getting on the bike and outting your helmet on riding off to your down the road in the direction of your house. when you got there your mom was on the front porch with her lips pursed and leaning against the wall, but walked over to you as you got off of your bike. "Y/N thank goodness you're's gotten pretty bad" you threw your helmet onto the chhair on the front porch and threw open the front door seeing your little brother laying on the living room floor in a puddle of his own sweat. you walked over to him and kneeling down placing a hand on hif forehead. "Sissy where were you?" he cried rolling over to face you "that doesn't matter, I'm here now bubba" you replied trying to seem as calm and relaxed as possible so he did not freak out. "W-what's happening to me..." he sobbed and continuing crying "It's ok kaden it's ok...i'm here" he then fidgeted and screamed out in pain crying a wailing as he began to breathe heavily and transformed....oh no.....
Hey guys!!! alright I apologize for this somewhat short chapter, but let's address something real quick before anyone goes off on me in the comments about how "Shapeshifters don't change until manhood, that's how it worked in Twilight" XD I know, it's just I wanted to make this chapter interesting and fun to read. so just...know that, lol, as always I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also I have decided to upload a chapter Every saturday so I have time to work on the chapter during the week and not have to rush on it. so yeah! be on the lookout for an all new chapter next Saturday! XD I love all of you guys and I will see you next time, BYYYYYYEEEEEEEE <3

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