Chapter 14

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You pulled your hair into a quick messy bun and got into sweat pants and a large T-Shirt, laying on your bed and opening your laptop. just a few minutes into working on your application you heard your telephone ring, you pick it up and see Edward's name flashing on the screen. "Hey what's up?" you said holding the phone to your shoulder while still typing stuff into your computer "Hey Y/N listen, Alice had a vision..." your smile disappeared and you groaned in frustration because lately every time Alice had a vision it led to something bad. "we thought the volturi would stay away for at least another month before trying to face us again but...they are headed here now" you slowly looked up from your computer and stopped typing holding the phone to your ear, "Seriously?" you asked sanding up and walking out to your balcony so you could get fresh air. "Yeah, when they want something they do everything they can to get it, going into to hiding is still an option in the table if you want to take it" you leaned on the railing of your balcony "Won't they be able to SMELL me?" you asked. "Well, alice and I are hoping that my scent can cover yours, if not, jacob and i can handle them" you remained silent for a minute before speaking "Ok, ok, when do we leave?"




You hurridly packed your backpack and rushed around as your mom watched with your brother in her arms. "Honey, are you sure you have to leave now?" your mom said full of worry. "Mom it's just a camping trip with a few of my friends" you lied "I'll be fine, it's only a few weeks then I will be headed home" you continued tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Ok honey...I love you, be safe" your mom said turning to leave but your brother yelled "WAIT!!!" he squirmed until your mom set him down and he ran over to you, "I love you Y/N" he said wrapping his arms around you when you picked him up "I love you too Kaden, be good for mom ok?" you said kissing his forehead "Ok" he said and you set him down. you walked to your balcony and saw edward parking on the ground next to it waving at your mom, "Ok, bye mom." you said smiling in her direction and walking down the stairs and getting in the car with edward. "Hey Y/N" he said focusing on the road as he pulled away from your house. "hey" you replied akwardly resting your head on your hand looking out at the trees passing through the window of the car. "So, I tried to keep Bella from coming because I didn't want her to get hurt, but she insisted on going be with you" Edward said chuckling. "So it's gonna be you, me , jacob, and Bella?" you asked to which edward nodded his head. you sighed looking at your phone. " great, no service. now if we get devoured by wolves we have nobody to call for help" you laughed and shook your head. "Kid, I sometimes think that you forget that your ARE a wolf" edward replied. "Ok, Grandpa. It's called sarcasm...and not ALL of us abide by the rules" you said smiling "Hey, hey, WOAH" edward said laughing "I'm not just...115..years older...than you" he stuttered. you smiled "Right, right. That makes youa mega grandpa" he smirked and sighed "whatever you say kid" he replied. once you got to the top of a mountain hours away from civilization. you got out of the car and saw Bella and Edward standing next to Bella's car "Bella!" you yelled running towards her. she smiled and wrapped you in a bear hug. just then you heard a loud cough and turned around to see jacob staring at you with his arms open. you smiled and went over to him wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him. "ok, Bella you're with me, Jacob and Y/N go get wood for a fire" edward said putting his hands on his hips "Ok" you replied turning towards a patch of trees and jogging towards it with Jacob close behind you. you and jacob began to pick up logs and you heard a scream. you dropped the logs and ran towards what sounded like bella screaming, ane when you got there you saw edward twirling Bella around and you rolled your eyes. "GUYS!! don't scare me like that!!" you said laughing and leaning your head against a tree. "SORRY!" bella yelled laughing loudly and you rolled your eyes walking back to where you and jacob were but he was gone. "JACOB?!?!" you yelled and looking around, just then you felt someone lunge grabbing your waist you squealed and spun around to see Jacob grinning "Jacob!!" you yelled covering your face with your hands and laughing "Can everyone stop scaring me??" you said picking up more logs "Ok, Ok, lets call a truce" jacob said putting his hands up surrendering. you both pick up wood and silently walked back to the campsite where Edward was setting up a tent and sleeping bags.


timeskip to later that night


You laid in your sleeping bag due to you not feeling well. Just then Jacob came into the tent and saw you lying there sweating. "Woah, are you ok?" he asked kneeling down next to you, "Yeah i'm fine" you replied fidgeting, then you felt Jacob's hand touch your forehead "too hot" you said moving away from him. "Y/N you're burning up, lets take you to bella, maybe she can help" Jacob said knowing his body heat would not be good for you if you did have a fever. you both walked out of your tent to Bella and Edward's tent. you both walked in and saw Edward watching Bella lying down shivering. "Jeez, creepy much?" you said weakly laughing "Couldn't sleep with all the teeth chattering" jacob said smirking, "Also something is wrong with Y/N" you sat down next you Edward and closed your eyes leaning back, just then Edward lifted his hand to touch your forehead but you heard jacob growl. "Jacob...stop" you said fidgeting and closing your eyes again and you felt edward's cold hand touch your forehead, "She's burning up" Edward said looking over your sick body at Jacob who replied with a nod you slightly squinted and saw edward lifting your limp body up and holding you in his arms, you could hear jacob growling lowly in his throat and staring at Edward "Jacob, stop" bella said grabbing onto Jacobs arm, "If you dont let me help her and she dies its gonna be your fault" Edward said glaring at Jacob whos face softened and he replied "And if Bella gets hypothermia its YOUR fault". you could feel Edward tense up but he soon relaxed and gritted his teeth, "lets just do whatever it takes to keep them safe" Edward eventually said as he watched Jacob lay next to bella and hold her close to him. You and bella soon fell fast asleep.




HEY GUYS, WOOHOO GUESS WHO'S BACK?!?! XD sorry for the short chapter i'm finally getting settled into my new house and am ready to start updating this story every saturday again (:

I just wanted to get at least something out so you guys could know that I'm still alive?? XD

Also, sorry I've been inactive lately, part of the reason is because of my move, but I'm finally settled into my new house and will be uploading more. Also one of my really close friends sadly, committed suicide recently and I took it pretty hard, it's gotten so bad to the point where I have broken down crying in so...its been rough for a while now. If you or a loved one is experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts please call the national suicide prevention line at 1-800-273-8255
Because I promise the moment you reach out for gets easier❤
This chapter is dedicated to
Steven Miguel Ortiz
January 5th 2004 - September 8th 2019
Gone but never forgotten💜 Thank you for believing in me when I didnt believe in myself, I love you buddy, until we meet again....take care❤

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