Chapter 15

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"GET HER!" The Alpha roared.

I feel the rush of wind fly towards me as I fall to the ground. I land hard on my hands and knees, rolling my ankle, a jolt of pain shoots through my entire body.

"Shit!" I hissed, I usually could have made that jump without hurting myself, but now it was getting hard even to see straight.

Walk it off! Rica growls at me, and I roll my eyes.

I know, I know! I agreed, getting to my feet. Limping, I make my way to the garage door. There is no way I can run through the forest now.

"Someone call the Nightfall Pack!" The Alpha ordered. I look up to see him staring down at me, with a sneer. I pick up my pace when he jumps down landing softly on the grass. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a dark brown wolf run towards me. I dive for the ground barely missing the snap of his jaw when he tries to tackle me. He slams into the house and slides to the floor, effectively knocking himself out. I jerk to a halt; I'm surrounded. I turn, keeping my back to the house. Thirteen wolves stood before me, all in their human forms.

What are our options, Rica? I ask urgently

If we shift now it could kill us...and if we use the souls, they could destroy you...Rica trailed off.

Got it, fighting in my human form it is. I tell her faking confidence. My face goes blank as I crouch down, getting low in my fighting stance, my fists by my face and knees bent as if I am ready to spring up any moment...They form a small circle around me, leaving no room for an escape. A large man steps inside the ring, while the others quickly closed rank. I glare at him, and he gives me a condescending smile. He was a tall man with copper beady eyes. He had long, greasy black hair that reached his chin. By his scent I could tell he was one of the wolves who attacked me in the woods, he was the one who called for backup. He took a step towards me, and I growl loudly, the man laughs.

"Easy little wolf," he says in a calm dark voice, "We have orders to bring you back alive...but should we find you uncooperative, we have no problem training a pup, such as yourself, some respect." He finishes smirking at that thought. I raise an eyebrow

This bitch! Rica gasped, insulted

I know! I agree

NOW can we kill him? She huffed

I'm seriously considering it... The guy pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and I felt my whole body freeze. There is absolutely no way in HELL I was going back into a cell. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my fingertips. I try to remember how to fight, how to throw a punch. My gut writhes as he comes towards me, arm muscles standing at attention. He smiles at me and for a brief second, and I wonder if throwing up on him will be distraction enough to make a getaway.

I doubt it Rica said, I jerk my eyes to the other men waiting for my next move. Quickly I get into my fighting stance. The asshole barrels over laughing hard.

He turns a little towards the other man.

"There should be a rule, anyone under 5'5 cannot try to fight someone superior to them," He jokes turning back to me, " I mean what can you do? Headbutt my nipples?" The men around him begin to chuckle at his pathetic joke.

"You know I might go easy on you if you beg." I stay silent and narrow my eyes. The thought of me begging this jerk for mercy makes me taste bile. He takes a couple of steps closer, and I throw a hard kick to his side jumping away before he could make a grab at me. He grunts and steps back, his eyes narrow and he takes a fighting stance, serious now. Shit.

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