Chapter 1

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**Bethany's POV**

My name is Bethany St.James. I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I'm not exactly average. I'm only 15, but I already know that I have always been and will always be different from everyone else. I have this philosophy that everyone is a color. The most average basic people are the most basic colors, like red, black, blue, etc. But those people that have something really special about them are the more specific colors, like burgendy or fuscia.I've always considered myself more of a navy blue. On the outside it seems to be a color somewhere in between blue and black- two very basic colors. That's exactly what I am. I'm an exordinary person stuck in a crowd of average, basic people.

I wouldn't say that I'm a loser or a hated person. I tolerate most people and most people tolerate me, but there are only two other people that I consider exordinary, that's Agatha and Bobby. I've been best friends with them since elementary school.Its always been the three of us against the world and that's exactly the way I like it. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. I met Bobby first.We were in the fourth grade. It was the third month of school. We were all outside during recess. I was outside by this huge tree in the back of our school. I liked to go there and read books and just think. That day I was reading my favorite book at the time "To Kill a Mockingbird". I didn't understand most of the book because I was so young, but I knew that it was more complex than any other book the other fourth graders were reading. While I was reading, some girls came over and threw sticks at me and called me really mean names. They started to pull my hair. They took my book and started to rip out the pages. Then, like Superman, Bobby came over and screamed "Dont! Stop!". It was the loudest I had ever heard anyone scream and judging by the girls reaction, it was the same for them. "Don't you ever touch her! Its not her fault that she's smart and you're not!" Bobby continued. The girls started to run away. He stopped and looked at me. I was just standing there in awe of what just happened. "Are you okay?", Bobby asked. I couldn't speak. I stood there silently staring. He helped me pick up the pages of my book. I remember him being so calm, but I was still so shocked as to what had just happened. He took my hand and walked me to the library. He explained to the librarian what happened and she gave me a new book. After that, instead of going back to class he walked me home. I was finally able to say something.

"Thank you so much. This meant a lot to me." I said.

"No problem. But you need to do something for me."

"Anything!" I exclaimed.

"You have to be my best friend." He smiled his warm smile.

"Of course". I said.

He walked away and since then we've been best friends. Then, one day during the March of that same year, we met Agatha. She had just moved to Massachusetts. She came into class in a bright pink dress and a bow on her head. She looked like Minnie Mouse. She sat next to me and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Agatha!"

Besides Bobby, Agatha was the only person to actually speak to me first without being obligated to. We started speaking a couple of times about homework and classwork and then little by little we became best friends too! Then, I introduced her to Bobby. Bobby seemed a little confused at first. We were both very anti social. But, after speaking to her, Bobby thought Agatha was really cool too. Since then, Agatha and Bobby and I have been best friends.

Agatha has been in love with Bobby since about a month after they had met. It was really weird for me to know that Agatha liked Bobby. Bobby was always like a brother to me. Agatha always used to talk about how cute she thought he was, how shy he was, how much she loved his shaggy blonde hair and his freckles. She wanted to be with him more than anything. Girls threw themselves at him all the time, but he never seems to notice. Agatha definitely notices, though. We live in a very secluded part of Masachusetts, so you really couldn't get any better than Bobby.

The new school year has just started. We are all in tenth grade now. There's a new transfer student from Iowa that seems really nice. His name is Tony. Agatha still likes Bobby, though. Everyone knows that Agatha likes Bobby, except for, of course, Bobby. Sometimes I wonder how anyone could be that clueless. I love Agatha and I really want her to be happy. Maybe Bobby knows and he just doesn't like her back. But who wouldn't like Agatha? She's tall, skinny, blonde, smart, funny, and super pretty. Every guy in school wants to be with her, except for Bobby. He talks to her the same way he talks to other girls. He doesn't tell her any secrets. He doesn't really open up to her about anything the way he opens up to me. I'm not sure. Maybe he likes someone else. I just wish he would tell me who.

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