Chapter 3

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**Bobby's P.O.V**

I've been thinking for hours and my heads starting to hurt. I'm trying to find my fake perfect girl to make my real perfect girl jealous. I'm trying to think about all the girls that liked me in the past. At first, I thought maybe I could date Agatha, but if I did Beth would be happy for her best friend, not jealous, so I would need to think of someone better. I have to go through all of the girls that have ever liked me. Okay so in eigth grade there was Sally. She was really nice, but she was way too clingy. Then a few months after Sally, there was Charlotte. Charlotte isn't attractive, funny or even nice enough to make Beth jealous. Then in ninth grade, there was Celine. She is literally the oddest girl in school. She wouldn't make anyone jealous.

After her, there was Natalia. It's really interesting because this year I noticed Beth and Natalia are friends because they're in all the same classes. But they aren't close enough for Beth to be super happy for her if Natalia and I dated. Natalia is really pretty and really outgoing and funny. Now that I think about she might actually be the perfect girl to make Beth jealous.

Even though I see her everday, I miss Beth so much. Last night, I had this insane dream about her. Natalia, Beth, and this girl named Sasha, and I went to a party together. Sasha got really mad at Beth for something stupid, it was really unclear why she was mad. Beth went to the bathroom and Natalia and I went to go dance, then Sasha slipped something into Beth's drink and then Sasha and Natalia left. It was just Beth and I at the party. After Beth finished her drink, she started acting really crazy and loud and then she fainted. I took her to my house and when we got there she woke up. She was really confused and she kept crying and I took care of her and kept her calm until she went to sleep. Then I woke up. I had this unexplainable desire to care for her and make sure she's okay. I always want her to be happy.

It really upsets me because Tony has probably had that dream too. Honestly, I just wish Tony would date someone already so he would be out of the way. He could literally have any girl he wanted. I know of at least ten girls that like him right now and a few guys actually.

I really want to call Beth and just tell her how I feel. I don't even have to do that, I just want to talk to her. I've known her for six years and we talk all the time if we're with each other. But I really can't call or text her. It's so uncomfortable for me. If I'm texting her or calling her, I won't be able to see her face light up when she talks about something she loves or the crinkle in her forehead when she gets nervous.

I know that dating Natalia is the not right thing to do. Maybe not morally, but I know that in order to reach my goal, this is what I have to do. I do feel bad playing with Natalia's emotions though. I don't want to hurt her feelings or anything. What if this whole situation doesn't work? What if Beth realizes that I'm faking my emotions and then hates me?

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