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All 20 people sat around 2 big couches and in the middle of the room sat their host, Ryan Devlin.

"So, as you all know you are on a dating show," Ryan said, stating the obivious.

They all cheered.

"So, we'll go around the circle and share a few facts about ourselves," he added on.

"My name is Nashalie, I'm 21. I'm also Puertorican, I'm a model. I like to read, and I cook at my sister's restaurant."

"My name's Marlon, I'm 24 years old. I'm American, I am the one of the top lawyers in New York."

"My name is Lizbeth, I own a restaurant. Nashalie my sister is here and sadly my cousin is here too. I'm 25 years old and I'm here to find my perfect match."

Grace muttered, "Bitch."

"My name is Jose, I'm 26. I work as a bartender in California. Uhm, yea."

"My name's Grace, I'm 28, I'm a worker at McDonalds."

🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝🕒🕖🕞🕠🕓🕠🕟🕕🕞🕠🕓🕠🕞🕕🕟🕕🕞🕛🕕🕟🕡🕘🕔🕠🕜🕑30 minutes later🕜🕟🕕🕞🕖

"Okay, so now that we have introduced each other we can start," Ryan said.

"So, we all know that you here for one thing, well two actually, your perfect and one-million dollars," Ryan added on.

Everyone cheered, one million dollars and finding your perfect match, how easy could that be? 10 weeks, one for each match.

"So, with that we start with our first challenge. In two hours you'll meet me by the beach for your first challenge, which will earn two girls and two guys with their chosen pair a get away trip for the day. The prize for this challenge will be water skiing!" Ryan said.

Once again everyone cheered, I guess we're all excited to start the game.

Ryan left after his big announcement. Every one started talking to each other, while I stayed on the couch.

Marlon walked over to me and I sighed. 'What did he want this time?' I said to myself.

~To Be Continued~

Just so you know all the chapters will be in Nashalie's point of view.

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