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Jason wasn't dressed and currently had a girl in his bed, so when he tried to explain things it didn't work.

You screamed her name, I heard it.

"Bricket you don't understand!"

I understand perfectly, you love her, nothing has changed

"No, she meant nothing, last night was... nothing. She just... she was all over me."

Jason I need some time right now, go to sleep with your girlfriend we'll talk when you wake up

when he woke up, piper was staring at him lovingly and he smiled back with a pinch of sincerity.

"piper, we are gonna be late for breakfast if you don't head to your cabin and get dressed."

"okay, see you later superman."

she left after getting dressed and I turned to Bricket

"I got rid of her"

yes but you still have to sit out therewith her and without me and that makes me uncomfortable considering you just FUCKED her!

"how about I keep you in my bag?"


I quickly get dressed put Bricket in my bag and walk out to breakfast with everyone else.

the fact that everyone heard us last night did not help Brickets mood.

"Dude, heard you gettin' lucky! how was she!?" Percy said louder then he needed to.

out of the corner of my eye I saw nico cringe.

I just got through the conversations with minimal answers

I have to get people to stop talking about this

Brason, a love story(Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now