~~~ Secrets And Lies ~~~

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Robbie was pulling on her arm to wake her up, Mr and Mrs Worcester looked like they were standing guard in front of them and the others were gone.

L bolted out of the chair and looked around in alarm.

"What's happening? What's going on?!"

Robbie was shaking his head, "We don't know but it must be really bad, everyone's panicking and screaming. They're all packing and making plans, I kept trying to wake you up but you just wouldn't wake. Dad was just talking about carrying you when you opened your eyes."

L tried to kick her brain into gear as she registered everything Robbie was saying. She listened harder to the commotion outside and heard mentions of leaving, Demons and attacks. L knew instantly what was happening and somehow exactly what they needed to do.

She turned to the Worcesters, "Go back to the cottage and pack up whatever you need; clothes, food, equipment, whatever you can carry but don't talk to anyone no matter who it is... and I mean anyone! Wait for me there," she realised something as soon as she said it and added. "Just to be safe, we'll use my most recent foster brother's name for a code. You'll know if it's really me then, I'll explain everything soon."

None of them argued with her, for once, and they ran out of the front doors, Robbie looked reluctant when he glanced back at her. She watched him for one more second until he disappeared then she ran through the doors to the side of the entryway, there was only one goal at the forefront of her mind. She used every sense she had to find him and it was a lot easier than she thought it would be. She ran into the room and straight to the hospital bed, she shook Bryce as carefully as she could to wake him but he didn't respond.

She could see and hear that he was still breathing but he wouldn't wake up. She was able to sense he was under something magical and wondered if there was a way she could wake him herself. That's when L noticed something else in the room, something she hadn't sensed until that moment, though why that was she didn't know.

It was a stench she never thought she'd have to smell again, a particular aftershave that made her whole body cringe over and over again. She turned around just as the door slammed shut and she stared straight into a face she had been trying to forget for a very long time.

"Hello darling, did you miss your Uncle Sorence?"

L felt every hair on her body stand on end at the sound of his creepy voice. His hair had fallen out now so his head looked shiny, like he polished it and his insanely thin mustache was well groomed to the point it looked drawn on. His eyes were still too big for his face and he didn't look any older than the last time she'd seen him, just a lot creepier and much thinner, if that was possible.

"Ew, not even close and you are not my Uncle, you never have been. You're just a slimy, disgusting creep and a Demon from what I hear, a pretty pathetic one too."

L knew his ego was huge and saw in his eyes that it hadn't changed, she'd hit a nerve and he instantly looked angry. He tried to cover it with a smirk though and moved a step forward.

"Now we both know that is not true, come along and give your dear Uncle a hug. It has been such a long time, I have missed you, sweetness. Let me take you away from these dastardly creatures."

L had to resist the urge to snort out loud, his way with words was almost as bad as his dress sense. He was still wearing the same white trousers and blue shirt combo that he had all those years ago.

"No thanks, I like it here but feel free to leave, like right now."

Sorence cackled out a laugh and shook his head so slowly it made L shudder internally.

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