Chapter 9

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You and Yuta walked hand in hand into the building, with Johnny and Jaehyun behind you, silently fan boying over the both of you. As you entered the NCT dorm areas, you waved goodbye to the other three, before giving Yuta a cute peck on his cheek, causing him to grin and kiss your nose. He then sauntered away into his room, and Johnjae went into the dance practice room. You gently touched your nose and giggled, feeling giddy as you strolled through the building. As you roamed around the place, you found yourself in an unfamiliar dorm area.
" I wonder which group stays here?" You thought out loud, looking from side to side, trying to find any signs or boards, but then you felt a gentle hand grasp your shoulder.
" This is EXO's part of the building, sweetie."

You looked behind in surprise to see a beaming Baekhyun in a tank top, and a water bottle in his left hand. You slightly blushed when you noticed he was sweating and his top was a bit transparent, revealing his toned abs.
" O-oh Baekhyun, I didn't expect to see you here."
" Neither did I, why are you wondering around with no sense of direction?" He joked, and you awkwardly grinned.
" Um, well I was bored so I decided to explore a bit, and I ended up in your group's dorm area."
He cracked a smile.
" Want me to show you around? I'm not busy right now." He suggested, and you thought for a while.
" Uh sure, since I have nothing else to do now." You agreed, and he held out his hand, indicating that you should hold it. You shyly accepted as you both went on a little trip through one of your bias group's dorms with your bias (I know they don't share rooms and stuff anymore (or do they?? Idk) but let's just go along with it for the sake of this story).

" So this is our recording studio, where we make our music, and over there would be our rooms, my roommate being Chanyeol~." Baekhyun explained, a barely noticeable smile appearing on his face once he mentioned his roommate's name. You internally squealed since you were a huge Chanbaek shipper, but that's not the main point here. He took you to where the members of EXO get their makeup and outfits done, and you both politely greeted some of the staff you saw passing by. Although it made you feel quite flustered once you heard a stylist mutter to another staff member about how cute you and Baekhyun looked together, and whether the two of you were dating. But you were unaware of the fact that he had heard it too, and he wore a slight smirk; of course you were too oblivious to notice. You chose to ignore that comment made by the staff and then just kept on walking. As the two of you arrive at some sort of waiting area, Baekhyun suddenly turns to you and asks,
" Do you have a boyfriend?"
Your face reddened at his sudden and unexpected question, also a little confused as to why he'd ask a question like that.
" U-um no I don't," You stammered, " But I am seeing someone..."
" Oh is that so? Would it be alright if I asked who it was?"
" Um well, you can't tell anyone this, but I'm with Y-Yuta from NCT." You covered your face with your hands, finding it hard to believe that you and Yuta are actually together, but you aren't dating yet, since it could ruin his reputation. Wow, imagine the amount of fan girls who'd want to be you right now.

" Ah Yuta, that's nice..." Baekhyun responded, with a forced smile and a bit of disappointment in his eyes; but you didn't notice that either. Then he looked at his wrist watch and gasped.
" Oh dear, would you look at the time! I've got some idol stuff to do hehe. It was fun spending time with you though!" He exclaimed, and you replied back with a " Nice meeting you too!".
But before he was about to leave, he moved closer towards you, and since you were in front of a wall, you were kinda trapped. He placed his hands on the wall by the sides of your face, and with a sort of seductive tone,
" We should do this more often~" before going back to his normal self and grinning cutely.
" See you later Jia!" He yelled as he ran towards what you thought was EXO's dance practice room.
" Yeah, b-bye!" You waved awkwardly. You were a little perplexed at Baekhyun's actions and his duality, but it still made you a little embarrassed nonetheless.
" That was very... random." You said to yourself, a bit of pink dusting your cheeks. You shook your head and decided to go hang out with Yuta in his dorm since you missed him, even thought you both literally met each other like 30 minutes ago.

On your way to the NCT dorms, you heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway, and thankfully you recognized who it was before he saw you.
Oh crap, it's Sicheng. There's no way I'm gonna talk to him for a week since I hold grudges for way too long, you thought to yourself as you hid behind some decorative plant. You then heard another voice saying something and he mentioned your name, but you couldn't catch what the conversation about. But what you did hear was,
" I really should apologize to Jia. I feel so bad that I yelled at her. Oh god, Ten, I'm such a horrible brother."
" No you're not, Winwin, you were just being overprotective. Any good older brother would do that, and I would talk with my sister. Maybe you should just talk to her."
" She'll never listen. Jia's very stubborn and quick tempered, so I'll never get to for probably weeks."
They kept talking about you, and that made you feel guilty, since you didn't really look at the situation from your brother's point of view. It wasn't even a big deal, but you made it seem like one. As soon as Ten's and Sicheng's voices faded and you couldn't hear them anymore, you crept into Yuta's room quietly, in hopes of being showered by his love and attention.


Yay I'm back after two months with a pretty long chapter which is probably really stupid and crappy but it's ok. I was being rushed by unicorngunsroses (it's always her, yes I know) but if she hadn't told me to update, I probs wouldn't have for another two months lmao. K bye love you guys ❤️❤️

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