Chapter 4: Solve The Puzzle

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Because of the terrifying scream, I am awoken. My body jolts up from the bed and my eyes glow white yet again. "Somebody's been murdered. . . Georg Von Siemens. . ." Mari informs me, speaking into my mind.  

Was this the chill down my spine from earlier? I get out of bed and run down the hall from where I hear the screams. 

Everyone is gathered into one room as I ask, "What is going on?" 

"Milady, you shouldn't look! No, you mustn't!" Mey-rin shields herself in front of me to block my view of what's going on in the room. 

No doubt that she's trying to block my view from Lord Siemens body. So, I keep my eyes covered while the body is being carried on a stretcher to the cellar. 

Everybody is frightened at the fact that there is a murder in the manor. We count to our alibies, seeing where everybody was at the time of the murder. 

Ciel and I were in bed while the other guest were elsewhere in the manor, still dining. Only Tanaka could prove that I was in bed because he checks up on me in case I have nightmares. 

I mentioned that I wake up crying in the middle of the night because of my nightmares. 

"Miss Coleman was sound asleep in her bedroom around the time of the murder. I was with her while she was asleep so that I can assure her safety." Tanaka defends for me. 

In the end, Sir Arthur and Ciel had to be chained together and had to sleep in the same bedroom because of suspicions. 

Tanaka escorts me back to my room and tells me that he'll be right outside if I needed him. But now I cannot sleep because there is a murderer in the household. I'm not afraid or anything. I'm just wondering who the murderer could be. 

Getting out of bed once more, I walk over to the mirror and look at my own reflection. "Mari. . ." I call out to her, and she appears in my reflection. "Do you know who the murderer is?" 

"No. How can we know that when we are the same person?. . . We share the same body." She questions back, making a fair point. 

"You're right." I sigh. "The next time I am in some sort of trouble, do try to control yourself. I can take care of myself. Not everything has to be done with killing." I tell her, recalling what happened earlier tonight at the party. 

"That pig got what he deserved." Mari spats, glaring at the thought of Georg Von Siemens. 

"Looks like neither of us will be getting any sleep tonight until this is solved. . . The storm will not rest until morning, so it seems." I say, looking out the window. 


I sigh, having no choice but to do this. "I think it's best if we took a look around. And by we, I mean you." I look back at Mari. "I'm allowing you to take over just this once. No more than 10 minutes." I look at the time and close my eyes. 

"Understood." Mari sighs as we switch places. I give out a quiet gasp as she takes over my body, taking her appearance. 

{Mari's POV}

10 minutes. That's all I need. Check each room, spy on each guest, and to return Moon's body back to her. 

My body phases out of the bedroom door and levitates down the dark hallway. Tanaka must have went to check on the other guest. So, I have to do this quickly. 

Each room is either empty or a guest sleeping in it. The servants are in their bedrooms, sound asleep like everyone else. All except for the demon butler. 

Finally, I enter into the old drunk's room where he had died. I look around to see any signs of forced entrances or anything suspicion, but everything seems to be in place. 

Suddenly, my wrist is grabbed and I am turned around. But I do not scream. I stare into the eyes of a red demon. 

Sebastian's eyes widen and releases me, and questions, "The Marionette. . ." He whispers out. 

"The name's Mari. . . Moon gave me that name." I tell the demon. 

"How is this possible?" 

"Simple. Moon used a spell for us to switch places. She didn't tell you, or the boy, because she didn't know when the time was right. I'm roaming around to look for clues of the murder."

"I think I can understand her reasons. But you should be allowing Moon to rest. This is the last thing she needs during the night." 

"Even though she wanted, and asked for this? How sincere can you be? She wants to help out."

"This is far too dangerous. You and the Mistress share the same body. What happens if you get injured? You will also be injuring moon." 

"You think I don't know that? I will be careful." I glare at the demon while turning the sharp knife in my hands. "I checked all the rooms and everyone is sound asleep. Except for you and I, of course. What are you doing here?"

"I am following my master's orders; Not to let the fires burn out since tonight will get cold. You should return to bed and allow Moon to get her rest. And I do speak for the both of you, since you share the same body." 

"Understood. My time is almost up anyway. . . You really do care about us, don't you? Is it because of we've been through? Or is it because we are not human?"  I look at Sebastian before walking out of the room. 

"Both. The Young Master cares deeply about you." He smiles. "Goodnight, Milady." 

"Same to you. Even though, knowing you, you don't need sleep. . . After all, you are nothing more than a demon." I say coldly and begin to leave the room, but he stops me. 

"Oh, and one more thing, Milady . ." He whispers something in my ear. Having said that, I leave the room and return to my own, returning Moon's body to her. 

{Moon's POV} 

So much work for one body. . . I forgot how tiring it was when it comes to switching places with Mari. . . And it's morning already. . . 

"Seems like the rain hasn't been lifted yet." I tell myself before yawning. I drag myself out of bed and leave my room. It seems like I am the only one up this early. 

I smell something bitter and iron. What is that god-awful smell? It smells like. . .blood?

Following the scent, I open the door to one of the bedrooms and I step in something very wet. . .

"Se. . .bastian?" 


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