Chapter 2: Be On Your Best Behavior

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Today is a cloudy day at the Phantomhive Manor and I'm in my room looking through the book, Dark Tales of Magic. "Looks like it's going to storm today judging by the dark clouds. . . Don't you agree, Mari?" I ask as I tilt the circle mirror on my nightstand, showing my reflection. 

It slowly changes to the Marionette, who stares at me with emotionless white eyes. I've been practicing my communication with Mari ever since the day I started living in the Phantomhive manor. 

The only way I can communicate with Mari is through reflections. She has yet to take over my body. I need to have Ciel and Sebastian present for that, since they gave me their word that they would help me. 

 While I'm in my room, I hear a crash coming from the kitchen, making my eyes glow white, same as Mari's, in alert. Since we share the same body, we have the same reactions. 'What's going on?' I ask myself within my thoughts.

I close the book and exit out of my room to see what the commotion is all about. But when I open the door, Tanaka is standing there.

"Is somethin wrong, Tanaka? What was that noise just now?" I ask him, since there is a reason why he is blocking me from exiting my room.

"Nothing you should worry about, Milady. It seems the commotion has startled you. I apologize for the disturbance. We have uninvited guests this evening." He tells me.

"Uninvited. . .guests?" I repeat his words while raising an eyebrow. What guest makes such a loud commotion. 

"Moon." Tanaka steps aside when we both hear Ciel's voice. The expression on his face shows that he's not happy with the situation right now. "You are needed. Come with me, please." He holds out his hand, and I take it.

The uninvited guest are the Queen's servants, Charles Philips and Charles Grey. That explains what the disturbance was all about. But this doesn't explain why I am needed, and why they are here. "A dinner party at the Phantomhive Manor?" Ciel questions while looking at the letter that came from the Queen.

I zone out since this has nothing to do with me, and I don't think I should be listening to business like this. It's not my place.

"Resisting already. The Queen is starting to have doubts ever since your report about the kidnappings. According to you, the culprit died and the children were too late to save. However, you managed to rescue a kidnapped orphan, who was forced into the circus, which you nursed back to health." Charles Grey points at me with a smirk. "Moon Coleman, was it?"

"Yes. . ." I nod my head slowly with a slight frown. He wants to bring up the past that happened a few months ago. . . Where is he going with this?

"I suggest you take this opportunity if you want to earn Her Majesty's trust back. Even so, she trusts that you will continue to take care of this little orphan." Charles Grey smirks at me once more, which has me look at Ciel for his answer.

"Of course. The honor will be mine." Ciel takes the letter back.

"Good to hear it! I will be attending to make sure that all goes smoothly. That shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"No. Not at all."

"Very good. Then we will be on our way." Charles Philips and Charles Grey stands up, but Philips looks at me. "Miss Moon Coleman, I wish you nothing but good fortune." He slightly bows to me.

"That is very kind of you. Thank you." I bow my head, showing respects as they take their leave.

Ciel wasted no time into getting to work about the party invitations. As for me, I went back to my room. "That was close." I sigh. "I need to have better control of my reflexes." I tell myself while looking at the mirror. 

My reflection now shows the Marionette, with a sharp knife in her hand, as we stare into each other's eyes. "It startled us. . ." She says, her voice echoing.

"You finally decide to speak, after you've been so silent lately. No, months I should say. I thought you had gone mute on me."

Mari goes silent for a moment before speaking again. "A party tonight involving a special guest. Are you nervous? This will be your first noble party that you will  be attending."

"I am a bit nervous. . . But I am doing this for Ciel. I want to make a good impression, and to make Ciel look professional in front of the guest. After all, he did save me. . . Actually us. He saved us." I lightly smile at her, looking back in the memory. "The honorable guest is George Von Siemens from Germany."

". . ." Mari suddenly falls silent again, which makes me a bit concerned.

"Mari?" I call to her while tilting my head to the side.

"Do you feel a chill down your spine? . . . Something is going to happen tonight." Right when she says this, it begins to rain again.

What a coincidence. 


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