z e y u #1

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"It won't stop, it won't stop.. my sighing." Y/N complains again. "Why have I become like this?"she asks herself. "It's pointless, isn't it?" she answers herself. "I understand that, sorry." she sobs. Y/N kept sighing. "Just breathing is pointless, isn't it?" "Please turn into happiness.." "Just how long has this been going on?" "This isn't funny anymore." "Senselessly, I am searching for the cause of my sighs." Y/N has many thoughts. "Y/N", a voice outside her room speaks. "Yes, mother?", It was her mother. "How are you, darling?" Her mother asks. "I'm good, mother. Thank you" she answered. Her mother touches her cheeks, "Oh darling, you seem to have a fever!" Her mother exclaimed. "Really, mother? An hour ago, It was just 41°C" she replied. "Darling, I hope you will be alright soon. Get some rest, I love you." her mother said. "Okay, mother. I love you too." She answered. And now, Y/N will get some sleep. Once more, she sighed. Y/N fell deep her sleep. She is in a garden. She kept sighing. "Also in my dreams, huh?" She shouted "Great." She added. Then, she sees how a cherry blossom drops , she runs into it. "Woah, beautiful." She is amazed. Suddenly, a boy appeared. He's an angel. He looked very similar to someone, a bit cheerful and short, this angel. He lends his hands to Y/N and speaks "Give me your sighs. Because I will replace them with happiness." Y/N, standing still spilled a "Please." from her mouth. The garden went very beautiful, more than before. Y/N looks around. She smiles and laughs. Now, they are talking about how they've been. "So, what's your name?" Y/N brought up. "You'll know very soon." He answers, happily. "Why can't you tell me now?" She asks again. "Trust me, you will." He answers, but a bit worried. "Okay, I trust you." The angel gave her a heart balloon, a bouquet of flowers, and a teddy bear. Y/N smiles, like there's no tomorrow. "My sighs.. he replaced them with happiness." "They're common and small happiness." "These tiny happiness that I should not forgot." Her sighs were buried under a smile. Every time a smile returns to her, the angel and a memory are linked. Flashes before her eyes, is a boy in a hospital bed, machine that's keeping him alive. Hearing sobs of a young girl, she looks back. The time has appeared. The garden went black and just her and the memory. She recalled a childhood memory. Tears flowing from her eyes. "He was on the bed... He would not wake up, I realized." "His cold hand, I.. held onto it tightly, and breathed out. He will go far away. So that it wouldn't be even a little bit lonely, desperately.. I tried to warm him up.""Desperately, I breathed out." "You remembered, huh?" "What were you doing was not 'sighing'." The angel back hugs Y/N. "You were trying to warm me up--" he said. "a gentle, very gentle wind." he added. "Sorry for being late." he apologizes. "Finally, I could come and return the favor." By that, he said..while he was going up and away. He couldn't reach Y/N's back anymore. Y/N looked back with tears on her face. "No more sighing now." The angel said while smiling very happily. "Come on, raise your head! We'll meet each other soon." he vanished, after saying those. Y/N woke up. After a very long dream. "I came to my senses, the angel is gone." She wiped her tears, for she had cried for real. She opens her left palm, it writes "于泽宇". She smiled and said "I'll find you."

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