z i h a o #1

797 16 9

Your P.O.V.

Rich, beautiful, smart, and tall. I almost have everything.. almost.. 

"Mom, mom.. where is dad?" I asked. "Why is my daughter looking for me?" You see a good-looking man. He hugged me. "What's for dinner?" Dad and I asked at the same time. "I'll cook your favorites." We giggled. Then after mom cooked, she called us. "Come, let's eat." My dad carried the 6-year-old me on the chair. "We love you, Y/N" they said and hugged me. I immediately closed my eyes because this is a precious moment for the three of us. Then suddenly.. I couldn't feel them.. It was warm but now it's really cold. I opened my eyes.. I'm in a room, where there is so many TV screens. "Each TV screen has its own movie, I guess." I thought. I watch the movie, one by one. I am kind of confuse because all of my happy moments in life is there. But I suddenly stopped walking, there was this TV.. it wasn't working well. It had glitches. I pressed the ON button.  Something pops up. It says:


对不起, 您没有足够的数据提出此请求。这意味着你正在努力看到未来的事件。]

"Warning?!"I thought. "Wait, why is it in Chinese?" I asked myself. "I haven't encountered anything related to Chinese..hmm.. I can't read this!" I shouted. It echoed.  "This is never  ending."  I thought. I heard things fell, I look back.  The TV screens are getting destroyed, the floor is falling. I ran and ran and ran. Then suddenly I got hit in a big mirror. "Owie." Is the thing  I can only say. It's getting near.. "No! Am I gonna fall?" I thought. I closed my eyes since I don't know what to do. 

???:Y/N?? Y/N!!

I opened my eyes. I felt hot. I am sweating. Thank God, I still have my mom.

Mom: You had a nightmare again? 

"Yes, mom." Is what I answered. 

Mom: It's 5:45 AM and it's your first day of school today of 8th grade! Get up, I have made your breakfast.

*Time skip , because why not?*

I'm Y/N L/N. Daughter of the famous model , Alexandra L/N. My mom is there when I need her. My dad.. where is him? Probably is in the bar. Just kidding, I don't really know but mom describes him as a bad guy.

Today is my first day of 8th grade. I have the same old friends. But I hope there are new students too, hehe.  

I got to my room at exactly 7:00 AM, and woah.. my friends miss me so much!


"I did, too." I answered.

The teacher comes in.

Teacher: Class, we have a new student. Come in.

A boy comes in, he is tall, cute, but wearing a glasses..

???: Hi everyone, I'm Li Zi Hao. 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" My girl classmates are literally screaming! "SO HANDSOME" " IS HE CHINESE?" blah blah blah.. these girls can't be silent. HAHAHA

Teacher: Go sit behind Y/N. 

I raised my hand so he'll know. He looks at me and smiles. What was that for?

Days went by and he just smiles at me every time he sees me

It's been three months since I met him. Maybe I need to be friends with him? 

[ Y/N ]

Message: Hi

- 6:00 PM

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