Her room, her body

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This family was filthy rich, if you ask me . The house already had furniture everywhere, the house was practically ready to live in. Baby went straight to her room taking the elevator to the third floor, appears to be that she knew the way to her room. Her room was my room, the biggest room in the house... It didn't bother me though.

Her room was organized pretty well. A black bed frame with a red mattress,the walls were red and the ceiling was black, her cabinets where black,the carpet was black, her whole room consisted of the colors black and red and a little bit of white. Interesting my favorite color was red. After observing her room I looked at her . Baby started taking of her clothes... Shittttt should I look, she can't see my anyways? I looked she took off her jeans slowly, wincing as she took her jeans off exposing her cheeta print underwear , then very slowly she took her shirt off , wincing even more and exposing her cheeta print bra.Oh god she was killing me. She was so sexy. Just then when my eyes trailed down her body I noticed why she was wincing. She had really bad bruises all over her ribs,legs, and shoulders. They were so big , so purple and blue and green, non of the bruises were healing, they were fresh bruises. Did she get in a fight? Did her dad hit her? did her siblings hit her? WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!.

I went up to her and ever so lightly touched her ribs while she was putting an over sized t-shirt. She froze feeling my touch against her rib. I backed away quickly and quietly, thankfully she went back to adjusting her T -shirt. She lauded down on her bed and started to cry...not a quiet cry , a cry that involved her screaming and hitting her ribs.(This is why she probably got one of the sound proof rooms. I needed to make her happy and keep her safe...I have no idea how to because she can't see me, unless I made her see me.(which was possible.)

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