on school.

21 1 1

school is unnecesary, pointless and overrated. what's the point of school when the education you need comes from home? manners and values aren't something you'll learn from a freshman year text book. basically we go to school to get our thoughts controlled instead of learning what's on the real world out there. the system shows us what the system wants us to know. bullshit, pure bullshit. 

the system is the main reason why we have such a fucked up society, which i am very ashamed to be part of. school closes our mind to limited thoughts instead of opening them up.

i want to leave



forget about this small town 

i want to live in a parallel universe where we learn what we want

where no one judges by our choices because we're all human after all.

fuck school fuck the media fuck the society fuck the system fuck it all i just want to leave 

i am surrounded by idiots who believe in war in corruption so there will be peace. in order to actually have peace one must stop fighting 

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