The Soiled Dreams

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The Soiled Dreams

It was a ghastly sight. Mutilated bodies strewn all over the barren wasteland, the wretched, dried out rivers tainted a ruthless crimson. The pathetic, unheeded echoes of those who helplessly lay dying, filled the dark skies. Doom cackled, soaked in a feeling of unexplainable joy and hunger, as thousands of them, abandoned, feeble and powerless cried out for help and hope.

Hope.... Hope... Hope...

She woke up panting, her lean, impoverished body trembling like a leaf on a windy, autumn morning. She wiped away her stinking sweat, which had mingled with her unending tears, patting herself for reassurance. The clogged air in her cramped room made it feel all the more forbidding. Her hopeful, bright eyes seemed poles apart from her bruised hands and blackened feet. Her back was reddened with more than frequent beltings, her face scarred. The first thing a person would feel looking at this abomination would be either an overwhelming feeling of pity, or disgust. The only possessions in her haven which were worth mentioning were her almost empty closet, a few rugs and a huge, cobweb – adorned, ancient chest. She stood up carefully and tiptoed on the creaking floor, making her way towards her window. She looked outside, her frail face illuminated by the gleaming moonlight. She loved the moon. It seemed so, beautiful and enchanting, as well as the only other entity on the face of the earth which did not make her worthless life a living hell. Born and brought up on the streets, she had, at her young age, experienced all that, which would probably make a much older, hardened veteran gasp in horror.

(Yup, real sad, tragic and very conventional. It is probably on its way to become another rags to riches success/sob story)

But, her traumatising, painful past and the gloomy clouds of uncertainty shrouded over the rest of her life were not the only features which set her apart from other children of well-to-do families, who sat comfily inside their warm homes, grumbling and fretting day and night. Her uncanny, delicate appearance and her nonchalant behaviour were not the only characteristics which set her apart from the goons and vandals of the streets and the underground. She...

(Now I understand why you called her an abomination. Huh... continue)

She was different. She was unique. In so many ways. Considering she lived her life like a hunted rat, it was shocking that she was born in a holy clan, the clan of the Bellalumi, the warriors of light and the saviours of this world. Though she had forgotten it, the faded, indigo-coloured tattoo embedded on her nape was the mark of a long forgotten battle, in this unforgivable world, which was thrown into a turmoil and now darkness reigned. People carried on with their lives, pretending that everything was normal, that the very rules upon which they placed the foundation of their lives had not crumbled to dust, that the distinctions and barriers between and within themselves still existed. But they knew, in the bottom of their empty, lifeless hearts, that it was not so, and things will never be the same.

They had taken it as a funny joke when a ragged, handicapped woman staggered towards the meeting of The Supreme Union and proclaimed the world would come to an end. They had taken it as an act of personal gain when people started to go missing. However, they foolishly shut their ears and closed their eyes at a time when they could not afford to. The darkness spread, staining the lives of the innocent and corrupting the hearts of the powerful. The Bellalumi strived, to protect their mother earth, but were branded as evil and brutally killed in large numbers. The darkness had begun its reign, a reign which would change everything.

Having taken birth in this heroic yet tragic bloodline, she had some powers. Not just any powers. She did not have the power to move things at will or control people's minds. She was not invincible nor could influence the inevitable. But behind those dreamy eyes, resided a being, stronger than any force ever known. Locked within her tiny frame, was her greatest power, her power to dream, dreams which could change the unchangeable, for she was The Reilu, the queen of light. She had the power to control her dreams, dreams which echoed the cycle of the world. She did not know it yet, and she won't very soon, as the battles have just begun. The revolution, the journey to extinguish the darkness, to free the chained has just started. The chapter has just been opened, and she will have to strive, will have to dream and continue the crusade her predecessors had lead, with the powers of her Soiled Dreams.

And yes, her name was Tenebris.




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