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Mr. Cole's P.O.V

I sat at my office desk going through paper work, today's been a really busy. As a car dealer, you're always signing papers, always in big meetings to find new goods to sell. Potential customers in and out of for deals and what not. It's a lot to take care of but I love my job that's why I started right after college. It was always my dream to own my won car dealership one day and hard work pays off, that's for sure.

I took a sip from my coffee, grimace at the bitter taste. It was bitter as hell.

I got up from my chair to dispose of it when my office phone started to ring. See? Placing to cup on a napkin, I walked back to my desk and answered the phone.


"Mr. Cole, there's someone here to see you." I sat back in my chair.

"Uh send them up."

"Yes sir." I hung up and threw out the bitter ass coffee. I need to let my new assistant know how I like my coffee since I had to fire my last assistant. A knock sounded on my office door signaling someone was behind it.

"Come in!" 

The door open and I thought my eyes were deceiving me.

"Hi dad. Surprised to see me?" My eyes wide as he walked in and closed the door. He stood there for a while before I spoke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He scoffs in response.

"So I can't visit my own father now?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"You can, why didn't you call first. Had I known you were coming I would've get the guest bedroom ready for you-" He shook his head.

"You don't need to do that, I'm not staying. I came to get some answers." 

"Answers? What answers?" I asked confused.

"Why doesn't my sister know about me?" The question caught me off guard but I should've expected it.

I sighed. 

"There's no reasonable explanation for that son. Just you being gone, living with your mother we didn't think that it made sense mentioning it to her while she was still a kid."

"So when were you gonna tell her? I went to see her and she doesn't even know I exist. Do you know how that made me feel?" He stressed.

"Son, I know this seems terrible but we just thought we were doing what was right at the time. You mother didn't want you to have anything to do with us. I mean I had to sneak my own son out of his home he shared with his mother just to see him."

"Dad I'm right here no need for third person view. And I know about all that. I was there, remember?" I got up and walked to him slowly.

"I know this seems like we tried to keep you two apart but I promise you it was not like that. Believe me, when your sister finds out I know she's gonna be upset." 

"Anyways, how are you?"His tone less intimidating.

"I'm doing alright. How's things been down at the base?" I asked referring to him being in the army.

"It's tough no lie. But it's good. How's Mrs. Cole?" I chuckled.

"She's still bossy as hell." He lets out a laugh.

"Oh right. I remember. I take it that business around here been good?" He says admiring my office.

"It's been good. Really busy but it's been good. I'd like to have you here with me though." He looks at me amused.

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