Chapter 5

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Living here with a killer was like a hell to me. I had to do the housework and stuff such as washing Jacob's useless car. He never used his car whatsoever, he always went everywhere by foot, he styled like a healthy person. 

I sat at the corner of my new room, bum touched the floor. There was nothing I could do much here other than the housework. Everyone was out of the house including Bethany, I wished I was a human once so I could go wherever I want without covering myself. But then again I loved being a geast. 

I had been here for a week and nothing special or excited has happened. My computer also broke last night cause I wrote too much. My life couldn't get any boring. I needed a new laptop and nobody wanted to help me buy or take me to the store. 

I opened my wardrobe and saw a dark black dress hanging beautifuly. Why not go to the store and buy the laptop myself. Going to the store wearing a long dress might be not a good idea though, I throwed the dress back in and grabbed a leggings and a leather jacket. 

I tied my hair into a messy bun and grabbed a sunglasses for my blood red eyes. I didn't want to be seen as a geast or else I would die. 

When I was finally ready, I walked out of my room and left my room locked. I brought all my money, just in case. Suddenly my phone rang in my jacket pocket, I digged in for my phone and quickly answered who the hell was calling.

"Hello?" I greeted unexcited. There was a loud laugh coming from the phone. "Hello?" I said once again. 

"Oh! hi are you Meredith?" the voice asked, it was a girly voice. 

"Yea, who's this?" I asked back sarcastically, she was interrupted my walk. 

Silent took over, who's this person? I kept asking to myself, she was sounded like a little girly girl. "Who's this?" I asked once more getting annoyed. 

No answered, I waited a couple second and still no answered so I hang up quickly. That creepy girl though. I walked to the bus stop, I couldn't really drive a car cause I never had it only Bethany who got it. 

The bus stop was so crowded I can hardly breath in there. Most of the people I think was a killer and human, typical. They were all chatting like a  family or a very close friend, only me who stood in the middle with my mouth shut watching them queitly. 

"Yea, I heard the king is looking for that one geast" a woman informed her friend, the geast was me you idiot people. 

"hm I heard that too, I wonder what gender is the geast" her friend replied nodding his head, nobody knew the geast was a girl. That was something usefull I should know. 

The bus finally arrived and a bunch of people got off the bus and the other got in. I didn't have a seat to sit cause I was the last to got it. "Here" someone snapped made me looked up. 

A young man smiled while pointing at some empty seat. "Thanks" I said shortly returned him a smile also. 

The ride was too stressing, a lot of people were chatting really hurting my ears. I didn't dare to look up or see the road, the sun was so sunny my eyes were just not used to it even though I wore sunglasses. 

The bus stopped after a long ride to the city. I stepped out of the bus carefully, and saw a really big city in front of me. I never actually see a city before, now I was amazed. There was a lot of tall and big buildings there, I had a dream when I was a little girl I wanted to live in the city. I wished I live in a tall apartement once. 

I was so not used to talk in the city, people were driving their own car, so many traffic lights, stop sign and there was me walking like a loner. Only a few people who walk here. 

I walked deeper to the city, I didn't know where the hell the store was. The were too many big buildings that made me confused. "Excuse me sir, do you know where the store?" I asked politely to a random people who walked. 

"There's so many store here, what you wanna buy?" the man asked back looking at me through the glasses. 

"I need a new laptop" I answered quickly. 

He nodded remembering something. "The electonic store is at Kawabanga street" he informed. 

"Thank you" I smiled in returned. He walked by without even return me a smile, city people was so rude. 

I continued my walk to the Kawabanga street, I didn't even know where that street was. After a long minutes past, I finally found the street. It was so far from that bus stop earlier. I looked up slightly, the sun was almost gone so I had to get back soon. 

"Gotcha" I mumbled staring at a big electronic store. I walked in quickly and started to search for  a good laptop. It was all so expensive but my money will worth just great. I didn't even need money for anything other than this. 

I got a perfect laptop for me finally after searching for like half hour, that didn't exactly took a long time. "Excuse me" I called the worker.

A lady worker smiled walking towards me. "Can I help you?" she asked politely. That smile was probably fake cause it showed in her eyes, she was tired. 

"I want this one" I said pointing at a black laptop. She nodded going back inside to grab a new laptop for me. After waited for her, I went to the cashier station and payed a hell lot of money for the laptop I wanted. 


I knocked the door impatient, I forgot to bring the house key with me how smart I was huh. This all time I didn't lock the door and now the door was locked. I knocked hardly on the wood material. "C'mon who the hell in the house! Open up!" I yelled loudly. 

It was about eight pm and I was standing outside withstand cold. It was not even fall or winter but it was cold as hell. 

The door flew opened with a smirk Jacob. "Hi" he greeted. I rolled my eyes in respond, he made me this cold. I pushed him aside so I could go inside the house. 

I went straight to my room with a new laptop on my hand, I didn't bought the very expensive one cause I was so low on money. I have to search for a job so I could get more money who knows for what. 

I unpacked the box and grabbed the laptop excitedly, finally. I placed the laptop on my little desk carefully, not wanting this laptop to be broken again. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, like a hard knock. "Yea?" I shouted. 

"It's me" Jacob's voice filled up my ears. I groaned annoyed, and walked to my door to open it to let him in. He stepped in immediatly. "Whoa, new laptop?" he snapped touching my brand new spanking laptop. 

I slapped his hand away from my laptop. "Don't touch that" I warned and he shrugged. 

"Where have you been anyway?" he asked laying on my bed casually. Yes Jacob, make yourself like your own room. 

"Like I would tell you" I rolled my eyes while pressing the on button in the laptop, I've been waiting to mess with this laptop since I bought it. 

He laughed slightly. "Didn't know you're a moody" 

"I'm not" I defended. "What do you want anyway?" I asked getting annoyed, he was acting weird these days or it just me. 

"Nah I'm just bored" he reply softly. I would be more bored than everyone else, left alone in my room every damn day was not bored of course. 

"Go away" I demanded and he chuckle slightly. I honestly hated when my room, my own privacy seen by people I didn't really know much. He did as I said, he left the room quetly so there was me alone again in the room with a laptop in front of me. 

There was a lot that I could mess with this thing. 

Hey... enjoy chapter 5? Please leave comment and vote :) -Beyy 

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