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[jungkook's hands are shaking, he's about to do it, he's about to confess his love to taehyung and then finally let him go, allow himself to be happy.]

[he takes a deep, shaky breath, he's scared, so damn scared. he's been in love with taehyung for so many years now, always waiting for him to love him back but it never happened or at least he thinks so, when in reality they were both just too foolish to realize their feelings for each other.]

[but maybe, they aren't meant to be. maybe, they wouldn't work out. maybe, it's better if they go separated ways. maybe it's better if they let go.]

[taehyung opens the door]


[the older one smiles, happy to see the younger one but his smile fades soon as realizes that something's up]

everything alright?

no, not really..

[taehyung's face shows worry, jungkook takes a deep breath]

tae.. i've feelings for you.

[taehyung's eyes widen, he's not trusting his own ears. he's waited for this so many years and yet nothing, no butterflies and no fireworks, this isn't how it's supposed to be. he just stands there, eyes comically wide.]

i like you, tae... but i like seokjin too. and- and i'm just so confused.

[jungkook takes another deep breath but before he can say something taehyung cuts him off.]

i like you too, jungkook.

[and there, there are finally the words jungkook had been waiting for in years, the words he's been through so much pain for, but in that moment he feels nothing.]

[he should feel happy, should feel how the butterflies in his stomach come to life and how his heartbeat goes crazy but nothing happens, absolutely nothing.]

doesn't feel like it should, hm?

[jungkook looks up at his best friend who faces him with sad eyes.]

yeah.. it's not how it's supposed to feel..

[it hurts both of them, how they fought so much for this one sentence and now that it's out, nobody of them gives off a reaction.]

[taehyung chuckles sadly.]

i guess you and i, we really aren't meant to be..

i guess...

[silence. painful silence.]


[taehyung looks up to him.]


can i kiss you? just one last time? to let go?

taehyung nods and walks up to the younger one, cupping his cheeks while his eyes glisten with tears.

and they're finally here now, sharing their first kiss, something both desired for so long.

but unfortunately, it's their a kiss they share to say goodbye, to finally let go.

to leave the time of pain behind them, to start a new chapter in their lives, to finally be happy, because holding on is what makes them unhappy, they're tired.

and then, when their lips finally touch, tears stream.

it's a kiss that makes all their unspoken feelings clear, a kiss that feels like ten bullets shoot right into their hearts.

as they kiss, taehyung tires to wipe jungkook's tears away, the tears tasting salty on their tongues but the pain bitter.

and thats it, that's what they call a painful let go.
maybe, they'll be able to find happiness now that they let go, now that they said goodbye.

but at the moment, when they look at each other's eyes for one last time, it really doesn't feel like they'll ever be happy again.


i wish i could have written this chap in my normal writing style but unfortunately i don't have the time to ):

hope you could "feel" with the characters tho

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