What DO you mean by "Molest?"

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To get to the table in the corner, she had to walk around a cage made of chain-link and steel posts, as long and as wide as the queen canopy bed bult into the room above.

There was a frame with a padded table there, the frame built of 2x6 lumber bolted together, supporting the table at a pivot that would be just above her hips.

It was difficult to appreciate it since it was completely contained within the cage, but aside from being her restraint for the next while, it was also her life-support system. She had used it a few times, ensuring that she could remain attached to it indefinitely and that all of its controls and fail-safes functioned perfectly.

This too had been the test of a contractor, one who only worked for very discreet clients - and who would like a discreet middleman. Alicia couldn't do that without putting them through their paces.

The table, the complicated bed, the intricate hoisting arrangements; all had been made by these very skilled craftspeople. 

They had a lot of theatre references and had made things for movies and the stage. They had created props for some adult video franchises. But they would not discuss private clients. Their example photos were carefully staged to hide any identifying information, were used only after permission from the client and many of the details were obscured.

She gladly agreed to have her installation included; it's not like she expected anyone to see it. And she realized that she could now afford to not care if they did learn about her ... inclinations.

It had been fully tested and adjusted and it would do what it did without fail or mercy.

"Yes... Sarah." She whispered to herself; "I won't fuck up unless I really want to."

She took out her phone and dialed Sara's private number. Maxine Frost answered after two rings.

"Yes, what is it?"

"You - no, Sarah told me.. to let her know. If I ... you know."

"Are we setting up a safe-call?"

Alicia blushed and nodded, then realized she had to say something.

"Yes, Maxine. If you don't hear from me within 72 hours, I fucked up."

"Hm. Ok, I'll make sure one or the other of us is available Monday evening. I assume you are unlikely to have fucked up so badly that you will die before then?"

Alicia winced at that. But she had to be honest.

"It's... not likely."

"But you built in some uncertainty and risk."

"Some. But I think the worst case is that I'll just be trapped until you let me out."

"And how do I do that?"

"There's a sealed envelope on my bed explaining how to get me out. The back door key is in a magnetic key-safe inside the barbecue. Just dump out the charcoal if you don't want to get dirty."

Suddenly she was on speakerphone and she heard Sara's slightly higher voice.

"You realize I meant what I said? If I have to rescue you, I will molest you? Still want to do this?"

"Yes... it's been.. I need to do this."

"Hmph. I should just tie you up myself and shove you in a closet ... but that wouldn't be the same thing."

"No, I wish it was. It would be..."

"Too safe?"

"Yes. That. Too. And I don't really want you to rescue me. I don't want you to see..."

"Yes, I get it. One of us will be there in 72 hours unless you call before then. Not a moment sooner than that, so if you find yourself hanging by your nipples, or in some other predicament with a key just out of your reach - it could be a long time. You have water you can get to?"

"Staying hydrated will be the least of my worries."

"Ok - one other question. Did you build a failure chance into your release mechanisms?"

Alicia thought about it.

"Not.. not exactly. There's one thing I will have to do perfectly during the escape or I'll be stuck and I'll have to wait until you get me, but I won't be in any danger. The main release timer - the one that will release me enough so that I can start escaping - that can run for anything from an hour to over two days. If it runs too long, I might be too weak to escape."

"Trying for a record?"

"The longest I've done is two days. But I was ok. I don't think three days is a big risk."

"I'd be bored out of my mind - even if I was stuffed full and everything was vibrating."

"I know, I'm weird."

Sarah chuckled. "It's ok, I understand. I'm not sure about how I feel about having to rescue you. I think I want to not have to. At least - not this time."

Alicia blushed so hard she was glad it wasn't a video chat. "I'm going to start now."

"We are setting alarms on our phones. 72 hours!" They hung up, leaving Alicia feeling damp and nervous.

She had no idea about how she felt about being rescued. She was still processing how she had felt about being busted in Sarah's panic room so many months ago, tied up inside her sleep-sack.

Terrified. Humiliated. Cripplingly aroused!

Sarah's statement that if she had to come to the rescue, she would "molest" her in some way set off a flood of horribly mixed feelings.

What did Sarah mean by "molest," anyway? She'd never dared to ask. She was certain Maxine didn't choose that particular word accidentally.

There was a shy but playful Sara, a raunchy Sara and a deadly serious and professional Sara. It was almost as if they were three completely different people! It had been that professional voice that had mentioned the price of rescue.

What DID she mean by "molest?"

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