She Found Out.

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+Imani POV+

" I've always wanted to visit Miami" I spoke. " Really? How about we go to Miami" Mr.Brown stated. I fluttered my eyes "Chris , wouldn't we get caught?". " If it's only me and you baby we can conquer the world We just have to keep it on the low" . " How about round 2?" I said. " Girl , I knew you wanted this dick". " I got it now papí so I don't have to worry bout wanting it".


+Nobody's POV+

Imani and Chris were sitting in his living room talking , laughing , kissing , touching. Meanwhile , someone was watching them.Snapping pictures of the teacher and student the unknown person knew how smart  Chris can be and how gulliable he can be. 

+Unknown POV+

If Chris was smart he would have never brung her here to this household. Unfortunately , poor Chrissy Poo didn't think. I would have thought that most Teacher's are smart , he cant runaway from me anymore. Chris , why dont you use that Yale education? Baby , for a person to be so smart , your so damn dumb. I might as well drag that bitch to her grave and bury her 6 feet under.

I dont think Chris knows that

Im that bitch who will either

Murder a someone or

Manipulate the Situation


Its short we're sorry but the next chapter will be much better

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