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9:23 A.M. JST    Miyazaki Biomedical Research Facility, Katsuura, Japan

        “[your name], where have you gone, my pretty little songbird?” That taunting, patronizing voice was everything you hated since the day you could start having memories. You had wished you had died instead. “Come out, you little brat” you could hear something wood shatter as you hid in the only spot you knew he couldn’t go. The chamber you usually ran away from. It was used as a means of “research” as he had said.

        You hid right under a desk which was under the observation window of your torture chamber which was specifically designed for you and your quirk. The desk hid your thin, malnourished frame from most search, you had used your quirk to stop time long enough to hide under there after they had checked the chamber completely.

        You had probably been there for an hour or two. “You will find my prized possession or you can start digging graves for you and your family.” The deep, gruff voice of Pluto had said about that long ago. He was still looking and you feared he was getting close to finding you even if you had moved hiding spots quite a few times. Your stomach tightened as footsteps got closer to the desk, your stomach churned with fear and anticipation. “[your name], why are you hiding from me?”

        Even with the situation you were in, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, ‘Probably because you are a psychopath who adopted me to make me a hero killing weapon’ you thought, not wanting to take that risk of talking back again, especially while trying not to be found. You could tell he was getting desperate, his breaths frantic and unsteady. “I’ll give you one more chance to apologize to your father, [your name].” His voice was low and threatening. Still nothing. “Why are you so defiant, all your other siblings do exactly as I say” Pluto mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.

        In your chamber specifically, they had to have lots of things since you spent so much time there and also trying to escape. They had to you proof it so if you ended up trying to leave, you could easily be detained but what they didn’t anticipate was you hiding in there. They underestimated you a lot. You could hear Pluto grip at the metal of the desk you his under, it groaned under his hand but you did not budge, not even when it started to make small cracking sounds.

         He made an unsatisfactory hum, probably examining it more closely. You sat still for what seemed like forever before he left. You let out a sigh but immediately tensed up again as the desk flipped over, leaving a small cut on your arm among many others.

        You looked up in pure terror at your captor. His deep purple eyes glaring back at you, grabbing you by your neck. “Why did the one with so much potential have to be so insolent?” the sound that met your ears was cold and sadistic, the grip on your neck only got tighter. “If you ever pull something like that again I will make sure you pay for it, you ignorant brat” he hissed and tossed you aside, walking out of the room, leaving you to catch your breath.

        “Take care of this one. Move him to Five’s room” the man had said to one of his many lackies. You wondered where this could be going, putting you with your brother didn’t seem like much of a punishment even if the room was black and desolate.

        “But what will we do to-” the assistant was asking about the person the other had mentioned.

        “Dispose of him, you fool” Pluto spat coldly. You felt something more than fear well up in you. His words filled you with rage. A rage you had never felt before since the first day of your “training” to become this way. You snapped. Slowing the time just enough to grab the dagger Pluto carried from under his coat and drive it into his eye, a bold move but you ran out of luck as your powers gave out for two seconds and then for good. You still ran anyway, even if you didn’t have an advantage.

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