Chapter 13: David

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                           *October 31, 2021*
                   What's up. All I can say is that tonight was a crazy night. And not just because of the main fact that it was Halloween. I was not expecting Eli to have a crush on Esther. For a while, he was making it seem like he was jealous of us. Me and River. But it's not like we're a couple or anything like that. We're just friends. And those looks he was giving us. Like he was upset or disappointed or something. But at least he told us the truth. If it even was the truth. At this point, I don't know anymore.

              This year with scaring people wasn't as good as last year. Same with all of us staying together the whole time. But it was still a pretty good night. Wasn't a lot to complain over. But next year and like me and us do every year, we will most definitely up our game. It'll be an adventure finding a way scarier costume for next year. Just like life. Anyways, sorry for making this entry a bit longer than usual. And sorry for apologizing when I really don't need to apologize. Its not like you can talk to me. You're just a journal. Write in you soon.


I wake up and it's now Sunday. Which marks the first day of November. I go to my dresser to get changed and I take a glance at my journal. I look through all my entries. Oh, the memories from the years passed. Been writing in this very journal since my first day of middle school. So over 4 years. Helped me through so many rough times. Especially when dad died. Writing down my thoughts is so satisfying. It gives you a sense of relief. Like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and onto the table in front of you. Sometimes this journal feels so ancient because I've had it for a long time. I really shouldn't keep this lying around. Don't want anyone to take it. Even my mom. I've never had anyone read through my journal. Just me. And it'll stay that way.

I close my journal and then get changed. I hear my mom wake up and come out of her room and into mine.

"Morning" She says.

   "Morning" I say back.

   "So, I don't have work today. Or a random call to get into work" She says.

   "Don't jinx it" I say.

   "Don't worry. I would've been woken up by a call. Instead I figured out how to use Alexa and set a timer" She says.

   I give her a round of a applause.

    "Finally, you figured out how to use it! And set it up! What an accomplishment!" I say.

   "Haha," She says.

  "Anyways, do you want to have a movie marathon and eat popcorn for breakfast?".

   "Sure!" I say.

   "Okay. I'll go make the popcorn!" She says.

    "You can be such a lazy and irresponsible mom sometimes" I laugh.

    "You know me so well" She laughs and leaves the room.

I follow her out and head to the living room, falling onto the couch. I stack two pillows from the couch to levitate my legs and two pillows for my head.

   "I'm ready!" I say.

   "Great. The popcorn will be done in a few minutes" She says.

   "What is the movie type this time?" I ask.

   "Well, since we haven't watched these types of movies since you were a kid, I was thinking of Disney Pixar movies!" She says.

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