Chapter 21: Where Is Eli?

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                    I lie myself down on the couch, sobbing uncontrollably, punching the pillows.

   "Esther! Isaac is here!" Hunter calls out.

    Esther rushes down the stairs to me. She sees me and immediately gives me a hug. I sob into her shoulder.

  "Isaac.." She says.

    I try to calm myself down. I breath. In and out. In and out. Then I look at her.

   "Isaac, What happened?" She asks.

    Her dad comes up behind her.

   "You were wrong. You were wrong, Esther" I say.

    "About what?" She asks.

   "David. He killed my dad," I say.

  "It was no accident. He killed him intentionally and she knew this whole time!".

    "Oh my god. Isaac," She says.

   "Why would she lie about something like that?".

   "To protect me? I don't fucking know, Nor do I care," I say.

  "What I do know is that I don't want to be anywhere where she is".

    "You can stay here as long as you want" Hunter says.

"Yeah. You can sleep on the couch in our best friend cave I have" She says.

  I give out a slight unnoticeable smile through my tears.

   "I love you guys" I say.

   "We love you too" Esther says.

I head to 'The Best Friend Cave' and throw my backpack on the couch, along with myself. I'm glad they're letting me stay. I don't want to be anywhere else. At least I know Esther and her dad don't lie to me about anything. I still can't believe it totally. I've predicted it for so long and my mom has always turned it down or try to change the subject. I was just starting to believe she was right. That I should let it go. That I should just accept it. That I should just let it be and get over it. That I should just believe her. I take out my phone. The first thing I think of is trying to text Eli. Because River doesn't want me to give up on trying. I want to listen to him, but I can't right now. What would be the point anyways? It'll just be the same thing. I send a long kind of plea paragraph text for him to talk to me and tell him everything is fine and that I'm not mad at him. He leaves me on read or tries typing and then stops. Leading it to being pointless to send that text anyways. Just like it was the last two times. Well screw him then. Screw my mom. Screw everything. I still have my phone in my hand. I head straight to Maya's contact with no hesitation.
Me: You were right. You were right.

Amaya: What? About what?

Me: I didn't want to suspect something at first. I didn't want to think my mom would hide something, but she did.
Me: My dad's death wasn't an accident. It was a homicide. And she knew it the whole time. This whole time, she kept it from me.
Me: She lied to me.

Amaya: Isaac... I'm sorry.
Amaya: I wasn't expecting this.
Amaya: How did you find out?

Me: She told me today when we got home from going out to eat.

Amaya: Jesus. Why would she keep that from you?

Me: I don't even know. She tried to tell me, but I didn't want to listen.
Me: I ran away. I'm at Esther's house right now.

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