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Thanks for picking up "The Phantom night" to read. It really means a lot to an undiscovered writer when there's a single point increase in the number of people who appreciate them. Hope you enjoy it and kindly don't be rude. 


This book is not a mature one and hence the readers are requested to sit back and enjoy the ride in the oceans eventually. 

Still, we've disappearing, astonishing, contradictory parts awaiting you as the book is entirely based on a fictional imagination of the horror of the Phantom night. 

I'm not going to spoil the suspense. So just patiently read and enjoy the anti - climax. 

Don't forget to see the cast of this story. It'll be fun for us to start the adventure of reading this story. 

Till then, Be tuned, and follow me to find out about the next parts, which are going to come every Saturday night at 9 pm IST (UTC 3:30 pm) to freeze your blood.


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