Chapter 2

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POV: Bakugo    


    I wake up with my head throbbing and my body aching, when I am able to get up I look around to see I am in some kind of warehouse full of crates, boxes, and a lot of metal.

I begin walking around, trying to get out of this warehouse, and damn it it is like a maze in here. I start to get frustrated, wondering why this place is so spacious.

    ¨WHY THE HELL IS THIS PLACE SO BIG!!!¨ I yell out in frustration.

    ¨Hello there, who might you be?¨ a voice asked from behind me.

    I turn around to see a old but surprisingly strong looking man wearing red armor, a red helmet, and a purple cape. He is hovering above me with a lot of metal floating around him.

    ¨Who I am is for me to know and you to not worry about. Where the hell am I, and who are you?¨ I ask him.

    ¨You are in my domain child, and my name is Magneto.¨ he says with a sinister smile on his face.

The more I look around the more I notice this place is more like a giant metal dome, but I have no time to worry about that, because I am too focused on the fact that he just called me a child!

¨WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A CHILD!?!¨ I yell, my anger flaring up again.

¨It seems I need to teach you respect. Mystique, restrain him.¨ Magneto says with a serious voice.

A woman with blue skin, wearing a white jumpsuit, she has yellow eyes and red hair walks out from behind a couple of crates and points a gun at me. I've seen and felt worse than a little gun so I rush at her and get ready to show her a world of hurt but she shoots me in the leg. I fall to the ground and pretend to be in pain, but I have had worse. Mystique does exactly what I wanted her to do and lowers her guard.

Without hesitation I send an explosive blast at her hand, melting the gun and burning her appendage. She drops the now melted gun and turns to me with killing intent in her eyes. She runs at me and kicks me in the gut so hard I puke out blood and I am sent flying into a pile of sand bags.

Running at me again, I put my hands on the sand bags and release a explosion causing sand to be sent everywhere. Now a large area of this place is covered in a large dust cloud, neither Mystique nor I can see, so we are now playing a guessing game, trying to find the other person.

I hit the jackpot when I get close enough to her to see and I put my hand to her back and release a massive explosion sending her flying, successfully knocking her unconscious.

¨I win now where did that old shit head go.¨ I say to myself

¨Don't think you have won just yet brat.¨ I deep voice says from behind me.

I turn around to face whoever the hell just called me a brat, but before I can get a glimpse of him I am punched in the side of the head and sent flying into some crates. I get up out of the crates though I am very dizzy from the punch. When my vision is clear again I see a tall strong looking man with razor sharp nails that almost look like wolf claws. The man has shoulder length blonde hair, sharp teeth, brown eyes, and wears brown jeans, brown pants, black combat boots, and a long brown choat.

¨Stay down kid.¨ another voice says from beside me.

I turn to see another man with red eyes, short brown hair, and wearing black pants, black combat boots, a purple shirt, and a long brown jacket. His weapon of choice is a metal staff. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a deck of cards.he takes a card and it glows purple for a moment. He then tosses it to me and it lands by my feet. I look at the card and see it is the ace of spades, then look back at the guy who through it in confusion. The man smirks and the card glows purple again before exploding. The explosion sent me rolling over to the wolf like guy from before.

¨Nice one Gambit.¨ the wolf man says.

¨No problem Sabertooth.¨ Gambit says.

I try to get up but Sabertooth stomps on my chest forcing me back to the ground gasping for air.

¨Blob, Toad escort our new Guest to a holding cell.¨ Sabertooth orders.

I turn to see who he was talking to and I see two teenage boys one tall, one short. The tall one had a blonde mohawk and he had blue eyes, he wears grey pants,white shoes, and a big grey hoodie, I assume he is Blob because he is very, very fat and he look like he can swallow a truck, he is also very sweaty. The short one must be Toad, he has brown hair and brown eyes, he also has grey skin and it looks like he hasn't showered in months, he wears a green hoodie, brown pants, and grey shoes, and he hops around like a frog. Toads quirk reminds me of Tsuyu's quirk because she to gains frog like powers, but at least she is clean and decent to be around. This guy smells like shit.

Blob walks over to me and picks me up by the throat. I get ready to attack him but he head butts me before I can, knocking me unconscious.

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