chapter 4

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Pov: Asui (Froppy)

I am awoken by the sound of gun fire and a throbbing pain in my head along with screaming.

I look around and see I am strapped down on some kind of dissection table in a plain white room with saws knifes needles and all kinds of other tools that look like they come straight out of a horror movie. My heart starts racing in fear because I have no clue where I am, who has me held hostage, and what those tools are for.

I try to break loose but I can't break the metal restraints, I begin to cry out for help. Some people armed with assault rifles wearing yellow hazmat suits rush into the room.

"Shit! The Ghost Rider is getting closer!" One of the men yell in fear.

"Don't wimp out now, you are a soldier of AIM. We will take the brain of the test subject and retreat." one of the soldiers explains before grabbing a saw off the wall.

"Your awake. Sorry about this kid, but you are not going to survive this." The soldier says before turning on the saw.

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the pain to hit, but then an explosion is heard and all the soldiers in the room stop what they are doing and begin to shoot at the entrance of the room.

The shooting stops when they run out of ammo, and they drop their guns and begin to back away from the door, shaking in fear. When I look at the room entrance I see a person, if you can even call it that. It's head was a flaming skull, he wears a black leather jacket, black pants, black boots, black gloves, and it is carrying a flaming chain. This must be that Ghost Rider the soldiers were talking about.

The Rider swings his chain and pulls one of the soldiers over to him, and he rips his the mask off his hazmat suit. The rider stares the man in the eyes and after a couple of second the soldier screams in agony before bursting into flames. He drops his burning body and turns his attention to the final four remaining soldiers and swings his chain at them.

The chain wraps around two of the soldiers and it burns them, within seconds they are turn to ash. The other two soldiers ran at him with saws, but as soon as the saw got near him he grabbed the blades and melted them.

The men try to run away but the Rider stomps on the ground, causing a wall of fire to burst out of the ground and incinerate them.

The rider walks towards me and with every step, my heart races faster and faster. The Rider stops next to me and looks at me for a few seconds before pointing at me.

"Innocent." he says before walking to a control console on the other side of the room and smashing it.

After Ghost Rider smashes the console, I am freed from the table. I get off the table and hop to the other side of the room, away from the Rider.

The Rider stares at me for a moment before walking out of the room. I stay still for a moment trying to process what had just happened. I snap out of my trance when I realize  the Rider is probably my best bet of getting out of here.

I rush out of the room and hop down the halls as fast as possible to catch up to him. I catch up to the Rider and walk next to him, looking at him with curiosity. The Rider pays no attention to me, and now there is an awkward silence.

"Who are you? (Ribbit)" I ask but get no response.

"What is this place? (Ribbit)." Still nothing.

After a while of walking we end up in some dome shaped room that is full of computer monitors and a lot of weapons. Ghost Rider puts his arm out in front of me, gestring me to stop.

I see him looking up at something, when I look up and follow his gaze, I see a creature that looks like a deformed human. The creature stands at least ten feet tall, grey skinned, his right arm in the form of a giant hammer fist, his left hand wielding razor sharp claws, without a face, is wearing a lot of armor, and it seems like it would fly around with large bat-like wings.

"This thing must be a creature AIM created..." I whisper to the Rider.

Ghost Rider flings his chains around the creatures neck and slams it to the ground. He withdraws his chain and the creature stands up and roars enraged, I get ready for a fight but Ghost Rider stands protectively in front of me. I then notice that the creature is not attacking us, it is just pushing at the air like a mad man.

The Rider ignites his chains and readys another, but before he can throw the attack I grab his arm, which honestly burns because of his high body heat, and put a finger to my lips to gesture for him to be silent. This room seems to be some kind of armory and is full of weapons.

My quirk is frog so I can do anything a frog can do, despite me looking like a normal teenage girl. I use my frog tongue to grab a shotgun of a nearby wall  and throwing it across the room. The creature instantly reacts and runs to the wall and begins attacking it.

"As I thought, it has no eyes so it has enhanced hearing to make up for lack of sight. (Ribbit)" I whisper.

"I'll draw its attention while you sneak up behind it. (Ribbit)" I say before jumping onto the steel wall above beside us and climbing up it.

I begin hitting the wall as hard as I can and the sound draws the creatures attention. It flies up to me and attempts to throw a punch at me. I respond by jumping away from the attack and using my tongue to grab its arm and slam it back to the ground. Then I land on to the ground next to it to see if it is defeated.

The creature jumps into the air and comes back down and tries to crush me. I hop out of the way right before he gets me.

"Rider, now!" I yell and he throws his chain at the creatures arms and flings it into a wall.

The Rider roars and a flaming motorcycle bursts from the ground behind him. The motorcycle rams into the creature on its own. After the bike explodes the creature’s armor shatters and the creature is stunned. I notice a large device on it’s chest that looks like a power cell. That’s probably what is keeping this mindless creature alive, I then think about what would happen if this thing got loose. It could kill thousands of people, knowing this, I rush in with a shotgun and shoot its powercell, completely shattering it.

The creature drops to the ground and ‘dies’, more accurately powers down.

"Nice one." he says, before continuing into an elevator and I follow.

When the elevator stops, we step out into a coffee shop.

"That lab was under a coffee shop, that’s smart." I say to myself.

I look up to Ghost Rider, but he is not there anymore, instead there is a man wearing the same clothes as Ghost Rider, but with brown hair and dark brown eyes.

I jump away from the mysterious man. He walks over to a table and sits down.

"Take a seat, kid, and I can explain." the man says.

I reluctantly agree and take a seat but only because I want answers.

"So to start things off, my name is Johnny Blaze. You have already met my other half, Ghost Rider. What’s your name kid?" Johnny asked.

"My name is Tsuyu Asui, but just call me Tsu. That's a lot of power you have, what is your Quirk? (Ribbit)" I ask.

"Well, I don't know what a Quirk is, but let’s just say I made a deal with the devil and it backfired on me." he answers shortly.

"Where am I? (Ribbit)" I ask, completely ignoring the fact that he said he made a deal with the devil.

"Welcome to New York kid."

"Why did you help me? (Ribbit)"

"I owe Nick Fury a favor, so he asked me to investigate that lab. And then, I found you."

He pulls out his phone and send a text to someone.

"Nick has sent a someone to pick you up, they should be here soon. Don't worry, I promise they wont hurt you. So do not leave this shop." Johnny warns.

"I won't leave, but only because I don't know my way around here. (Ribbit)" I say, more to myself than him.

After that, he gets up and leaves the shop.

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