the peir

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Being from a job down the street from the Santa Monica Peir was amazing, i loved being there. From the best coworkers, to the amazing view of the beach. I worked at a mini Boba shop called Pearls Coffee And Boba, we weren't too busy today until i heard the little bell from the top left of the door let out a little ring. I looked up from my phone to see this, semi attractive looking male. From the way he talked to the way he looked at me, i brushed it off and said, "hi, im Josie, what can I get you?" he started smiling and added on by saying," hi, um, can i get a matcha boba tea?" his voice was so deep and majestic, i paused staring at him for a little too long and jumped back to reality and I replied, "of course," i cleared my throat to try and wash the awkward silence away, "ahem, uh, can i get you name for the order?" I thought to myself, oh my god this is so awkward. " oh yea Greyson " hmm Greyson, i thought.

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