Chapter Two

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I finally got to Bournemouth Train Station, its about a 5 minute walk from my home. I waited for what seemed like hours, but was actually about 5 minutes, before I noticed a nervous-looking boy, he was around my age.

I coughed quietly, hoping nobody would hear, but he did. The boy's eyes seemed to light up when he seen me, so I decided to go ask him i he was Connor Ball. Turns out he was

So we walked in silence home, well that was until Connor decided to break the silence.

"So, who are you?" He asked.

"Oh me? I'm Isabelle, I prefer Izzy though." I responded, he just nodded and smiled. God he was really cute!

"Age?" He asked.

"17, you?"

"17, siblings?"

"Older brother, you?"

"Younger brother." Connor answered

"Birthday? Mine's on the 15 March,"

"Wow, we have the same birthday!" He exclaimed.

"Why you so exited? You meet my brother and his friends and you won't wanna talk to me again. Everyone hates me: school, family, family friends, I have nobody." I responded. Why did I just tell him that?!

He pulled me into a hug. "I would never not talk to you. You seem really nice and caring, and you're really beautiful." I blushed and looked at the floor. Did he really just call me beautiful? No, no I'm in a dream.


(At home 2 hours later.)

Connor's P.O.V:

We were all sat playing truth or dare. It was Izzy's turn. James was asking.

"Truth or Dare Isabelle?" She winced at the name. "Dare I suppose." She sighed.

"I dare you to go into the kitchen and kill yourself." He smirked. Izzy got up and walked in the kitchen. I stood straight up and went to get her. She sat in the corner with a knife, crying her eyes out. The area around her eyes was puffy and red.

"Izzy? Please don't" I pleaded. James was a sick person. Even if I hated Lewie alot I wouldn't tell him to kill himself.

"What do you want Con?" She whispered while crying. I walked over to her and took the knife, throwing it in the sink. I looked down at her wrist and helped her up, rinsing the water over the blood to wash it away.

She looked up at me and smiled, her dimples showing. She was really cute. James suddenly walked in and Izzy looked back down. I dried her wrists and looked at James.

"Why did you do that?" He said.

"Do what?"

"You talked and helped her. Connor, she's not worth it." He answered.

"Why? What's she done to you?" I questioned. He stayed silent.

"She was born." He muttered.

Wow. he really was pathetic. How can Izzy help being born? I'm going to see her. I walked up tge stairs and heard crying coming from one room. The end one. As I walked towards it, I heard a loud bang from behind the closed door. I knocked.

"Izzy? Can I come in? It's just me, Con." I told her. I heard a muffled yes so opened the door and found her crouched in the corner. I ran straight over and hugged her.

"Come on, you can come live with me." I said. I didn't want to see her getting hurt again. She nodded and went took her suitcase from her wardrobe, I told her to bring everything she had. All her clothes, phone and charger and laptop things. She had finished about 30 minutes later and we headed out the door downstairs.

"Here let me take that." I said. I was exited about her coming. I knew my family would love her. Then James walked out the kitchen and saw us.

"Where do you think YOUR going missy?" He snapped at Izzy.

"I..uh.....I..." She stuttered.

"She's coming to live with me." I said, and with that, we walked out.

"Where do you live then?" She asked.

"Warwick, we need to get the train. I already booked two tickets when you were packing." She nodded. I walked up to the office and showed the lady my phone, with the ticket confirmation. She nodded and handed me two tickets. Izzy and I then proceded to the train platform. I was pulling her suitcase and she was holding my other hand, looking scared.

"I don't think they'll like me.." She said.

"Who?" I answered.

"Your family. I mean, look. You go away for one day and you bring back a girl."

"They won't mind. I'll tell them you're moving in with us and the reason behind it. We have a spare room but you could always share with me if you wanted," I said, scratching the back of my neck. She nodded. The train finally pulled into the station and we got on. Putting her case into the luggage rails. We found our seats and she sat next to the window, leaning her head on my shoulders and cuddling into me. I wrapped my arms around her and she fell asleep. The 3 hour journey commences.

Being James' Sister. (A Connor Ball fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now