Chapter One

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"Isabelle! Come downstairs and bring our final suitcase!" My mum shouted up the stairs. My parents were going away, leaving me and my brother, James, alone for one year. Yay, (note sarcasm). My whole family and school hate me. I have nothing so I self harm, I mean, what's the point in living when there's nobody that cares for you? See my point?

So I drag my mum and dads' suitcases down the stairs and drop it on the floor, walking into the kitchen to grab myself a bowl of cereal, when I walk into the most disgusting thing ever: James making out with some girl. She looked revolting, her boobs were popping out her tight-fitted vest top, and her bottom half wearing next to nothing.

"EW JAMES!" I shouted, he quickly pulled away. I then heard the door slam and I knew my parents had left.

"What do YOU want, brat?" James questioned. "What the hell were you doing? Eating her face?" I retorted.

"More than you'd get done with any guy."

At that, I walked out into the living room. Again, my brother walked in. "Isabelle, I got a new member for my band. His train comes into the station in 10 minutes time. You can go pick him up. Name's Connor Ball."

"Why can't you get him?" I asked.

"Because I'm busy with Jessica." James answered, looking up and down the poorly dressed female.

"Ew I don't want to hear you frickle frackling tales. Im changing." I answered as I left to my room.

I slipped into a pair of skinny black jeans and a black Arctic Monkeys t-shirt, with my black converse and black hoodie.I always wear lots of colour (sarcasm, again). I didn't even bother with makeup and just put my bleach blonde hair into a fishtail plait. Picking up my black shoulder bag I shouted to James, telling him I was leaving, then walked out and slammed the door.

Being James' Sister. (A Connor Ball fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now