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Thanks to someone in the comments, I finally have an idea.

Thank you!! You know who you are uwu 


No Pov

Today was sure busy. Everyone was preparing for a mission, without Cross of course. They had always thought of taking him, but realized with how small he actually was...It wouldn't be possible. One would always have to keep a watch out for him and make sure he's either quiet, or not getting himself hurt. They didn't know how to break it to the half asleep Cross.

Each doing Rock Paper scissors, Nightmare was the first one out. He sighed, he had to tell Cross they were taking him to daycare until they got back. They had already  planned for this moment, which they didn't worry about first, until now. They all were afraid he would pick up a bad behavior, or wont like it there. God forbid if they ignore him. The last one shouldn't be a problem, seeing as he was very clingy in most of his headspaces.

Of course they weren't taking him to some regular daycare, this was a Special one for Littles! How fun? 

Nightmare slowly approached Cross, getting his attention once he picked him up. He sighs. While he may not show the worry on the outside, he's sure as hell worrying on the inside.

"Now Cross, I know you've seen us running around a lot lately. As much as we would like to take you with us, we have a very important mission dealing. I wont go into detail. We've decided to...Take you to daycare for the day."

Nightmare said, making sure Cross was listening. He didn't really know how Cross would react, but the first thing he noticed was him just trying to comprehend it all. Nightmare could practically see the little wheels in his head turning, until it clicked.

"I don' wanna!" Cross whined, shaking his head. He didn't want to go and leave everyone! Killer promised him cuddles and brotherly love, and now he cant get that until their mission is done?! He didn't understand why he couldn't go, but he knew not to ask. The first thing he did was start crying.

Nightmare pats his back, and sits down so he could bounce him on his knee. While he is king of negativity, he also has to make sure little Cross is happy. He knew it'd be impossible to do that now, but he knew he had to tell him. Good thing his nap was coming right around the corner.

( Im casually gonna skip or this is gonna be really long and I myself need a nap lmao )

They all felt pretty sad, especially Killer, as he was carrying the sleeping Cross into daycare. It was like any daycare, but meant for littles of all ages. They explained what was going on, told them what to do and what not to do with Cross, then they all sadly left.

Killer spoke up.

"Wonder if we could finish the mission faster." 

He said. They all thought about it, then nodded. The faster they finish, the faster they can see Cross and take him home for some extra loving.

With that thought on mind, they all left with that on their mind.

~uwu timeskip for mostly my sake again~

Cross had been at the daycare for some time now, and he was finally opening up to do this. Like finger painting. God he found a new love for finger painting. Of course it was all over him, especially around his face, and mouth. He tried to eat the paint at times, then found out that orange paint... Doesn't exactly taste like a real orange. He was about to go off with a new friend he made, once he heard his name called. He turned around and saw Killer! Running as fast as he could, he threw himself at Killer and clung on. From behind he could hear the others chuckle.

"Bet you missed us huh? Cmon, were gonna go out for some icecream." Killer said, though not before thanking everyone.

Nobody but Cross saw Blue waving back at him, as a goodbye. Cross doesn't think this will be the last time he sees him.


Finally! I'm done 700+ words there. As a sorry for leaving for so long qwq 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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