The Truth

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My name is Rei Hakayura, i am 13 years old. I had a little sister. Her name was Talia Hakayura. But she died when she was just 7 years old. She was murdered. She was stabed and burned alive.

My parents and i were very sad. My mother was even diagnosed with depresion. She has to stay at the mental hospital. As for my father, he changed after my sister's death.

The cops couldn't found who the murderer is. But i swore on my life i will find the one who murdered my sister.

Ever since the day that my sister died, i had been doing some research. But every single time, i will always hit a death end.

But today is different. I finally found something. I suspected that the murderer has been living in my house in the basement. I have been in the basement many times before but strange things always happen there.

One time i found an empty can of gasoline, used matches, and empty cans of food. I didn't tell my parents because i thought that it was them who put it there. The most shocking thing i found was a knife with dried blood on it. I ran upstairs to tell my parents. But when we came down to the basement, it was already gone.

It's been 3 years after my sister's death and i have enough evidence to prove that someone is living in my basement. And i'm going to catch him/her. I bring a knife, my phone, and a flashlight with me incase something happens to me.

I started walking down the stairs to the basement. My parents aren't home yet so no one will know what i'm doing.

Then i was finally there. The basement door was right in front of me.

I reach out for the door knop. As i was about to open the door my hand couldn't stop shaking.

Finnaly, the door was wide open. I turn on the light. All i could see was boxes of my sister's old stuff and a couple of broken furniture.

I started searching the whole basement. I almost gave up but then i found something. It was a lever. The lever was hidden behind a stack of boxes. I turned the lever on and a wall behind me opened.

I walked inside the room. At that moment i wish i had never entered it.

Inside, i found my mother's dead body with multiple stab wounds. She was hanged upside down from the ceiling. Her chest was open, showing all of her organs. Her eyes was pulled out of her eye sockets.

"She was supposed to be in the hospital, why is she here ?? What happened to her ???"

It was a sight that a mere 16 year old should never have saw. With tears in my eyes i slowly backed away from my mother's dead body. Thousands of questions filled my head. Fear and sadness strike me like lightning.

But then, my back suddenly hit something or................. someone..........

I turned around to see who it was. It was my father.

"You weren't supposed to see this," said my father with a very cold tone.

"Dad........ you know about this ?! What are you doing here ?!"

"You weren't supposed to see this," my father repeated.

"What ? Wait............. you....... killed her.......... but why ??!"

"Your mother found out my secret. So she had to die."

"Secret ? What secret ??! You killed her just because of that ?!"

"You don't know anything."

"Yes i do. I know you killed mom. Now i'm going to make sure you will end up in jail."

As i was about to call the police, my father grabed my hand.

"I'm sorry but i can't let you do that. You weren't supposed to see this. But now you have to die too," said my father with an evil smirk on his face.

"But why did you do this ?!"

"Because she demands a sacriface."

"She ? Who is she ?!"

Before i can get my answers, my father grabed a knife from his pocket and stabed my heart. All i can see was red.

As i was about to take my last breath. I saw something behind my father. It was a small little girl with an evil smile plastered on her face. Her eyes was glowing bright red.

I recognized her. She was my little sister. Then i heard something in my head.

"See you in Hell, Brother."

Then everything went black.

Hey. Im Aleta. I hope you like my story. Sorry if its not that good. Im only going to publish chapters when i feel like it. Thats all goodbye.

"Don't believe everything you see. Even salt look like sugar."

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