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"Nandu...!!! Kanna..!!!" I was trying to locate some new hospitals for myself... when Amms's voice reached too me....

Her voice had a understood urgency.... but, i ignored her...

It's been 6 days from mine and manik last encounter....

And, from 6 days... What I'm doing... Even I don't know....

It's felt like... I'm living a blurr life... Where I know, I'm alive... I'm breathing...I'm feeling...

But, Why... word are still there on its place....

He think, I'm the who broke him.... But, no one can see that... How much all this broke me....

He can express his pain with mom.... He has his support with him....

But, no one want to see.... I'm the one who losed her everything....

Manik or main tuo shayad kabhi ek dusre ke liye the hi nhi....

And, in that... I losed my Amms too.... Now, can you imagine my state in this situation....

One thought was that I want to ignore her voice.... And, just do what I was doing....

But, before I think about my second option... Her voice once again roar in the house....

"Nandini...!!!" And, heard my name from her... I know that something was really very serious was waiting for me....

And, next I run towards her room.....


THIS MUMBAI TRAFFIC SULK YAAR...!!! My subconscious cursed this traffic once again.... 

 It was her 20th times, when she had cursed this traffic in one or another way... but it's not her fault too.... you know more then me... she is eager to see manik alright....

But, this traffic.... it's a usual scene of mumbai traffic... if you want to reach somewhere in hurry.... then, only... it had a whole world's time to make you late....

The clip of manik in between the fire is still so clear in front of my eyes...

Ohh... if you all don't know...i tell you... Actually, My Amms was calling me to saw a news clip... 

Where there were showing A missive fire broke out at the malhotra hospital... in the afternoon... They were showing the video clip of thick smoke coming out from the hospital building.... And, one where people were coming out from the emergency door...  Inspite of all the patients were taken out from the hospital on time.... Just one serious casualty had happened.... 

And, That one casualty is Manik Malhotra... Who was also in the hospital at the time of the accident.... And, got injured in the process of saving some old aged patients of the hospital....

I have told you naa... Manik Malhotra can't keep himself away from troubles... 

The way news reporter had said about the accident and Manik's bravery was enough for make me feel proud on my love .... 

This is the best part of Manik's character, he thinks for others before himself.... he has a habit to forget himself for others... You all have to seen him naa.... what all he done for me...

What You all think... I don't know anything... What he or Amms thought... i'm a fool who can't see the reality.... who can't see what all happening between them...

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