Chapter 5

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Ugh waking up. Officially the worst part of Harry’s day. He already regretted staying up so late last night. Then again, he always did, so even though Harry told himself he’d go to bed early today, he knew it was a lie. He got up anyways, groaning and scratching his stomach lazily. The other boys seemed to be already up and getting ready and Harry wanted to know how they worked so fast. Louis, seeing the curly haired boy still half asleep and completely naked threw a pair of boxers towards him, rolled his eyes and said,

    “If your going to take your sweet time, why don’t you be useful and go wake up Niall?   ” Harry grunted out something that was supposed to mean sure, but the boys would of had to be mind readers to understand him, yet still, they went right back to getting themselves ready, Louis and Zayn now fighting over the small mirror in their room. Harry groaned some more incoherent words, finally starting to move, putting on the boxers Louis had thrown at him, followed by slow walking whilst Harry leaned against the wall, practically sleep walking. Harry knocked on the door.

    “Niall, you creation of pure beauty, open the door you have to wake up.” Harry didn’t even care what he was saying, he practically never cares what he was saying. Harry always found time in his day to flirt with Niall, it was hobby of his. Lets just say, Harry’s the most uncensored of the group. Niall opened the door.

    “Do you really think I’m a creation of beauty?” Niall asked, poking his head out the door, eyes sparkling at the huge compliment and a hint of sleep daze. Harry almost had to blush at the pure innocence behind the question, but held it back and nodded his head instead. “Awe, thanks. Your not to bad yourself.” Niall beamed, opening his door all the way, showing off Niall in his full half naked glory. Niall stood there in only briefs, his hair messed up, a grin plastered to his face sleepily. Harry couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight as Niall turned back into his room the door still wide open going over to his closet and rummaging through it for some clothes as Harry stuck back and enjoyed the view of Niall’s ass. Harry almost stayed behind to watch the strip show as well, but was rudely interrupted by Liam, whom promptly closed Niall’s door and pushed Harry back into his room.

“Harry, have some decency will you?” Liam was actually blushing for Harry.

    “Oh come on Liam, I bet you get shows all the time.” That got him a hit to the back of head by Zayn and Harry groaned. Louis however was blissfully pretending not to notice the small fight, instead shoving clothes into Harry’s hands and glaring at him so that Harry would get it through his head that he needed to get going. Harry took the clothes from the boy who had quickly become his best friend, and begun to put them on. He hoped none of the others got the wrong idea, allowing Louis to tell Harry what to do was a privilege, not a given, other then maybe to Niall,  but in that case Harry thinks he’d much rather Niall telling him to take his clothes off. Harry smirked at the thought, not even giving a second thought to his friend bellow that was already starting to grow.  Harry didn’t really care and instead putting his focus on getting himself ready.

Harry exited his room last, but smiled when he saw Niall emerge his room at the same time. Harry wrapped his arm around Niall in a friendly manner, clinging to the Irish lad childishly as they made the journey downstairs, meeting up with the other boys whom were already having light conversation with Laura, who had become a lot like a mother to the boys. One they’d be sad when the inevitable happened and they had to leave her side.

    “Oh look at you two. Your friends!” Laura squealed and Harry chucked, rubbing his cheek against Niall’s.

    “Of course we are Laura, the neatest of friends. Niall scrunched up his face at the roughness of Harry’s skin on his, but it wasn’t an overall bad feeling, just different and a little unnerving because not only was it not unpleasant, it was actually kind of a nice closeness. Harry separated himself from Niall, grabbing a banana off the counter quickly before following everybody else out the door and onto the bus. Niall ended up sitting with Louis this time as Jackie was not on the bus and Louis, although the oldest, always seemed the most jittery. Harry and Zayn were sitting across from Louis and Niall while Liam had found a place right behind Niall along with on of his new friends, Ben. Niall was so glad the boys had friends. They seemed well liked and their first week of school had gone by smoothly. Over the weekend the five of them had gotten close, soon slipping into what Niall hoped was their normal selves. Liam, although shy and down to the point at first glance, was actually a really fun and childish guy, and Niall means childish in the innocent way. It’s absolutely adorable. Meanwhile Louis, who always seemed to be tooting off and making a joke out of everything actually had a serious and sensitive side to him. He was the most caring soul out of the group in Niall’s eyes. Then their was Zayn, who was an absolute anxiety mess. The poor baby, Zayn had admitted to having major anxieties and also to having the worst sense of direction in the history of time. Niall also had similar problems, but unlike Niall, Zayn liked keeping to himself most of the time because of his anxiety, and that’s how he got his usual image of bad boy and loner. And even though when Zayn opened up to everyone, he was an absolute mess, it just meant that much more because. You could tell how much he was trying to be apart of the group and it just made Niall ever determined to protect the “Bradford bad boy”. Harry. Oh my gosh Harry. Even though he was the youngest, Harry had the dirtiest mind and was not ashamed to share it with the group. At one point Harry actually had Zayn embarrassed for him, but Harry would have none of that. He just oozed confidence and pride, not to mention he was impossibly flirtatious, but Niall didn’t even mind. Niall glance over to said boy and practically spluttered at the sight, immediately looking away and back at Louis. Louis however saw the reaction on Niall’s face and looked behind him at Harry. Zayn was already shaking his head at Harry, whilst subconsciously looking around the bus to see if anyone was looking at them. Louis just burst out laughing, making Liam as well as few other people look over at Harry, which made Zayn start to fidget at the sudden attention. Harry however had just only noticed the sudden attention on him and slowly removed the banana from his mouth and looked around at the few people who’s attention Harry had caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2012 ⏰

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