Jimin - Promise (약속)

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third person's pov。

"i want you to be your light, baby.
you should be your light~"

It was ironic how they promised to be each other's light in their lives, yet they both broke it.

Jimin hummed the tune of their song as he laced his fingers through the soft, velvety strands of Y/N's hair.

"Do you still remember the first time we met?" His eyes crinkled up as he reminisced their first meeting, his hand grasping tightly onto Y/N's.

Both lost souls in this world, met by accident when they bumped into each other at the counselling office.

One that self-harms, and one that's mentally unstable.

It never dawned upon them that they would become a great match despite them having passed by each other a few times when they had their counselling session.

The first time they had a conversation was when their timings accidentally got mixed up and the doctor wasn't there. To make up for the impromptu information, they decided to hang out together at the park where they chatted.

It wasn't long before they became close, closer then ever that they eventually made their relationship official.

It was a sweet relationship, yet others couldn't see the bitterness behind it. The relationship that they labelled, was just a escape that 2 individuals rely on, to keep themselves sane.

To the outsiders, it seemed that their conditions had improved. Them both having not done any inappropriate things since they were together.

Yet they both know, despite the constant promises and reassurances, that habits weren't going to be gone so fast, let alone totally forgotten.

"This's my song to you." Jimin stared into Y/N's alluring eyes as he started singing the song that he had composed painstakingly in celebration of their second anniversary.

"i want you to be your light baby,
you should be your light~"

It wasn't the best song ever as compared to those composed by worldwide artists yet it was the best to Y/N. It felt as if the song spoke to her, comforting her soul from within.

"It's so beautiful... This-This song, can it be our special song?" The girl asked, voice slightly wavering as she sniffed.

Jimin just nodded before he was pulled into her embrace, his cheeks instantly turning red.
Y/N pulled away after quite sometime as she whispered a sincere note of thanks before they shared a short kiss, one full of cherish and love for each other.

"Let's promise to be each other's light, Y/N. Just like how our song is promise."

"i want you to be your night baby,
you could be your night~" Jimin's voice croaked as he finally broke down. The song was left unfinished, just like how their love story will not have an ending.

Why would you leave me alone in this darkness on my own?

Jimin's tears painted his full cheeks as his gaze slowly fell on the blood stained piece of metal near him. Picking it up, his eyes mesmerised by the glint that was illuminated as the light reflected off the metal into his eyes.

Hugging Y/N's limp body closer to his chest, his own body warmth no longer able to warm her up like he wished to. After whispering a few loving words and showering his lover with kisses, he pressed the sharp edge into his skin as crimson blood seeped through, painting his skin a beautiful shade of red.

Now, we can finally escape to our own world, my love.

It wasn't long before his vision blurred and the pain on his skin lessened as Jimin drifted into unconsciousness. His body slowly dropping down as he joined Y/N's to fall limply onto the couch.

There on the coffee table lied a piece of paper, its edges slightly splattered with blotches of blood.The one that Jimin never knew would welcome him home that night, along with the sight of his love, lying in a puddle of her blood.

Dear mochi min min,

My lovely boyfriend, Park Jimin. I've never thought I would be so lucky to have you after everything that I've put my body through.

You have always showed me the world and made my life brighter. We promised to be each other's light. We promised to embrace each other's flaws and to accept and love each other fully.

It's a pity that things have to end this way. I'm so sorry. This... This is getting harder for me everyday. I'm sorry that I used the knife again, I'm sorry I betrayed your trust in me.

But nonetheless, I want to escape this filthy place that's holding me down, I want to have my own night. A place where I can be with the stars and have no dark thoughts.

I love you, Jimin, I really do. That's why I hope I can relieve my burden on you when I leave. I'll watch over you and love you forever.

forever yours; Y/N

a/n: i've finally finished jimin's part!! sorry if it's not good ;-;

large paras : flashback
short sentence  : thoughts
last part : y/n's letter

i realised all my angsts are damn confusing so haha... ;-;

and there's quite a lot of angst in my daily life: e.g. homework, projects, notes, (classmates) ;-;

well, idk when's the next update but see you then:)


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