🔷🔸Ch.2~What Now?~🔹🔶

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Warping back into the temple, Garnet and Amethyst went to their rooms while Sunstone and Moonstone stayed on the second floor of the house. They walked up the steps to their open room and Sunstone jumped onto the top bunk, snuggling into the sheets. Moonstone looked at her questionably ,"What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep. What does it looked like I'm doing?", Sunstone replied.

"Sun, gems don't need to sleep. Our bodies are an illusion."

"Yeah, but it's still nice to enjoy the luxuries humans have."

Moonstone sighed,"I guess." He grabbed the book on their nightstand and opened it to the bookmarked page. He liked this book, it talked about anomalies and sights of strange buildings around the world, like what used to be the Seaspire.

Things like bigfoot, the lochness monster, mermaids, even sightings of fairies in this town always mystified him in ways he didn't understand. Myths, legends, fantasies, and morals are stories that captivated him with unanswered questions and guesses that might never be determined.

Even after thousands of years of being on Earth, there were still things about the planet and it's inhabitants that never ceased to draw him in. It's one of the few reasons he choose to fight. For the excitement that he missed out half his life. There's no way he wanted to give that up. Besides, Sunstone is happy and that's what matters now.

Since he opened the book an hour ago, he just couldn't get anywhere farther than two or three sentences. His mind kept wandering to Ammolite's words. Was everything really going to be destroyed? Was this war all for nothing? Were all the sacrifices unnecessary? Was it worth it? He didn't know.

That's when Moonstone decided that Sunstone made the right choice by going to sleep. Closing the book, he put it back and laid down. His optics closed and darkness overtook his vision.

His dream was like any normal day: Garnet, Amethyst, Sunstone, and himself, were all wearing smiles on their faces. Without worry. Without fear of what may happen next. Just enjoying the peace. Then the ground shook, everyone began to panic and large cracks formed in the Earth. The temple was being tore apart by gem mutants and two hand shaped ships closed in on the beach. Screams of the people in the town, fire raising hell over the horizon and ice freezing over the ocean. A large weapon similar to Sunstone's destabilizer was fired, and shattered remains of a gem fell to the ground.

Moonstone woke up suddenly, breathing heavily and looking frantically around the room. It was two in the morning, barely three hours since he closed the lids to his optics. This has happened once or twice before; Garnet calls it future vision. Not wanting to head back to sleep, he climbed off the bed and jumped onto the couch on the first floor. He needed answers. He walked over to the entrance to the temple, his gem glowing as his door opened.

Moonstone and Sunstone's room was made of clouds, and the time of day inside the room would depend on which of the twins entered the room. Right now, it was dark, the moon was out with the stars shining in the darkness of the night sky.

"Room, take me to the basement. The real basement. I don't want another Mabel incident." The clouds parted showing a vein connected to the heart of the temple. Moonstone jumped on the vein and slid down the side of it. He smiled to himself, chuckling, "This is actually kind fun." Then he slipped and landed on the floor.

"O-Ow...", he looked up at the multiple bubbles above his head and stood. "A Black Diamond... That's not it. Nope. Not that one. Is it- nevermind. There you are!" Moonstone jumped and grabbed the sky blue bubble containing the dark gem. "I hope I'm doing the right thing..."

Popping the bubble he watched as it began to glow and lift into the air, then it stopped and fell to the floor. Confused, Moonstone picked up the diamond, watching as it's glow flickered. What happened? Without warning, it's glowed brightly and light engulfed the gem, forming their body. Moonstone backed away and watched as the homeworld gem before him formed.

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