The Cafeteria Battle

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When I walked away from Kirishima I could tell he was slightly fuming. It was natural for me to be able to deal with annoying people like Kacchan. I was slightly annoyed at how fascinated people are with me and him. I mean yeah we are/were dating but I am just trying to blend in right now and the attention is making it kinda hard. I shrugged off my thoughts and headed to go change.

It was lunch and I was slightly excited to see what our chef had prepared for us. It was Pizza day, and thank god for the pizza they served there was actually good. When I was in line to get my food I looked out over the enormous cafeteria and saw many different groups of people scattered across the tables. All the classes stayed together but were seated at multiple tables near each other. When I saw class 1-A I decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to go sit with them and get to know their quirks a little better.

After I had made my way through the throng of people and had set down my tray near Kirishima's I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt and hoist me off the ground. I looked back to see Kacchan holding me aloft. I smirked and twisted immediately freeing myself from his grip dropping to the floor and turning around to look up at the taller boy.

"You little piece of shit," he said as the cafeteria went silent, all eyes on us, "how dare you show me up today! I am going to get you back for that!" He pulled back his arm to hit me and I gracefully dodged it, sending him staggering towards the table. He regained his balance and came speeding back to hit me again which I dodged by jumping up and on to his shoulders.

I bent over backward and whispered in his ear, "you can't hit me and I know you know that so give it up." I jumped off his shoulders and turned around to face him. He also turned around, growling. I decided it was getting to be too much so I pulled out one of my guns and slipped a mag into it. I adjusted my aim until the muzzle was pointing at his abdomen. I smirked and pulled the trigger. A look of rage spilled across Bakugo's face and he sent an explosion right at the bullet, right before it hit his stomach. It tore his shirt in two and the two halves fell down on either side of him and burst into flame. The crowd gasped to see the muscular boy's shirt fall off revealing the months of training he had done. He glared at me and I just flipped him off with the hand holding the gun. He dropped into a crouch before racing at me again I dodged his explosion and waited before he had turned around to face me.

"Come on Babe, you always said you were stronger than me, I hoped that wouldn't change." The crowd laughed after hearing me call him babe and he got even more infuriated, before rushing at me, his fist raised to strick. He brought it down towards the top of my head and I stopped it with my hand. He swung his left hand at my side which I also blocked. I stepped forward, still holding his hands and kissed him on the cheek.

"Sorry but it looks like I win," I said as he dropped his hands and a huge blush crept over his face and neck. He backed away and rushed towards the boy's bathroom. I laughed to see him rush off and turned back to my plate. Kirishima was sitting next to my food and he was looking very infuriated. I knew it, I thought to my self, Kirishima has a huge crush on Kacchan. He stood up when I approached and went to throw away his food, a dark look spreading across his face. I ignored him and sat back down.

Half and Half boy (Todoroki) approached me and sat down, "So tell me how did you overpower him? We all know that Bakugo is one of the most irregular and strongest fighters in our class, so it shouldn't be an easy feat to beat him, but you did it without breaking a sweat. So how?" I smirked more.

"I have been friends with him many years before I left so I know all of his moves despite his irregularity. If you can learn how he fights it isn't that hard. I also am smaller giving me the upper hand in agility. If you saw there if you are small but muscular it isn't hard to jump over someone like him, who likes to stay close to the ground when fighting."

He looked at me, shocked and then asked, "Why did you pull a gun on him though? We aren't supposed to have weapons unless it is controlled by your quirk, but you didn't seem to use a quirk when you fired the gun."

"I don't have a quirk," I said much to the shock of the people around me, " I fight with guns because I can shoot guns with accuracy and I don't need much more from close battle, I just shoot from underneath them which can deal a lot of damage and inflict wounds on their internal organs."

"Ok, but you weren't aiming to kill him, were you?" a look of worry spread across his face, and I knew he was wondering if I was a villain in disguise.

I decided to play it cool, " Of course not. I knew he would react in time and blast it up before it reached him even if it damaged his clothes. I would never kill him. In fact, technically he and I are still dating so why would I kill him?"

"Of course, that makes sense. Sorry for jumping to conclusions." He said and I just waved him off. We sat there and finished our lunch in silence. When the bell rang I picked up my tray and Kacchan's and dumped them both in the trash, then leaving the trays in the tray return. I left with the rest of my class to head to our next course. Bakugo caught up eventually still blushing.

Lighting Off (Villain!Bakudeku) I AM REWRITING!!Where stories live. Discover now