Chapter 1

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"I'll have a Chocolate Mocha Cappuccino and a blueberry scone," I said as soon as the barista with curly golden hair and blue eyes came. He asked, "What's the name, sweetheart?" he asked with a wink. I look down and say, "Seraphine." blushing, I stepped aside, letting someone else order. I take my phone out of my back pocket and start looking for a new story to read on Wattpad. Minutes later, I hear my name called to the right of me. I look up to see the handsome barista. I walk over to him and say, "I'm Seraphine." He looks to me and smiles a big smile, dazing my thoughts, "Here's a Chocolate Mocha Cappuccino, a blueberry scone, and my number." Startled, I look up, "Your number?" I squeak. "Yeah, I'm kinda hoping you'll text me later." He says, laughing. "Yeah, I know. I just wasn't expecting that. I have to go, but I'll text later." I say as I walk out of the coffee shop. I put in my ear-buds and zone out, letting my muscles remember the way to work. After a few minutes, I see my office building come into view. I walk in and greet the woman behind the desk, Edna. "Hey Edna, I hear big boss' son is taking over today for the first time. Is there anything I can do to help the transition?" I ask since I stayed after yesterday, finishing up for the week. "I don't know, Seraphine. Tell you what, I'll call up real quick and ask if he needs help." After she says this I go and sit down in the chairs that are normally used for visitors. "Honey, he just so happens to need copies done, why don't you head up there and get the paper for the copies?" she says oh so happily. Jeez... I don't know if I could ever start liking work like that. Must be horrifying. I walk to the elevator, pressing level 60, the top floor. The doors close, as I listen to the elevator music I wonder what little boss will be like. Will he be cruel? Or nice? Or too serious? Or too playful? I hope he's not a perv like some of my old bosses. "DING" goes the elevator as we hit level 60. I walk out only to bump into someone on the way. Their chest is like a literal rock, so naturally, I practically ricochet off of them. I braced myself for the upcoming impact the floor would, naturally, give me. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see the deepest forest green eyes staring at my face with a look of concern, I was dumbstruck. This man must be a god. With his nude pink, full lips. And lean, muscular build holding me up. There is no way this creature is remotely human. Once I get my balance I back up slightly only to run into the elevator doors; In the midst of my fall, they must've closed. "What is your name?" the beautiful creature ask me. His voice, it so husky, as if he just got over a cold. A shiver runs down my spine. "Seraphine. What's yours?" I hear suddenly. Did I say that? I don't remember my mouth moving. "Alaska Young. What are you doing coming into my private office?" he says with harshness coloring his voice. That tone, alone, sobered up my drunken fantasies. Oh, god. He's Little Boss. "I work here" I hissed back. "In fact, I'm coming up here to get the paper you need me to copy," I stated, trying to prove my worth. "Edna sent you? You know what, nevermind, here's the paper. I specifically told Edna I'd come down there. She's been here too long. Maybe she needs a change of scenery." he says with a smirk. He better not be thinking what I think he's thinking. "You better not fire her, she's work here for 25 years, she's been loyal to you and your father for 25 years. You better not fire her because of one mishap. Which could, just as easily, been my fault." I say, fiercely defending my colleague. "Whatever, I need a coffee, too. Black with 3 sugars. Don't mess that up or you're out of your job as temporary assistant." he says harshly. Narrowing his eyes at me, trying to see if I'm 'worthy' of being near him. Jackass. "Yes, sir. I'll be right back with your coffee and the copies. How many copies do you need?" I ask, trying to clarify. He seems to think about it for a minute. Surprised I'd even ask that. "30, one for each employee in the 15th level. Oh, and afterward pass them out, please. Thanks a bunch. Don't forget, black with 3 sugars." He says, deeming me worthy for the job. "Well, I guess I'll get going. I'll be back with that coffee in about 15 minutes." I say as I press the button, heading to the ground floor with the copiers and coffee machines.

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