Chapter 3

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I walk out of the elevator to see Alaska wait there for me. I walk to him and he ushers me into his office using his hand to guide. He shuts the door and closes the blinds. "What are you doing?" I ask him as he locks the door. He turns to me and says, "What I've wanted to since the moment I laid eyes on you, Seraphine." And with three strides of his long legs, he's so close were breathing the same air. Our thighs are touching. And with the blink of an eye, he picks me up by the back of my legs. To where my legs are wrapped around his waist, seconds later I feel something pressing into me through our clothes. Oh... that's what he's doing. After this, I no longer have control over my body. I lean forward and bend down, sucking at the skin between his shoulder and his neck. With a groan, he sets me down on the couch next to his desk. I feel him kiss my neck, then the spot between my breasts', then my stomach, finally I feel him push my skirt up around my waist. I gasp as I launch myself up out of bed. Feeling drenched in my own sweat. 'What the hell? I mean I know he's attractive but I can't be having these kinds of dreams about him. I can't be having any dreams about him.' I pull out my phone to look at the time 5:17 p.m. Jeez, it was only supposed to be a nap. 'Now what to do until dinner', I ask myself. The first thing I come up with is to read. Then I think, 'But I've read all my books. I hate having to read the same book twice.' Oh, I know. I'll just head down to the bookstore. I get out of bed and walk over to my closet. Picking out a soft, salmon blouse with black bows lined up in the middle with a short flowing skater skirt. I get my wallet and phone. I walk out of my apartment, heading down the street to the nearest book store. As I get closer to the store I peer up at the sign and read 'Author's Attic: A Galore of Books.' I walk in and look to the right to see little booths for coffee drinkers. And to the I see bean bags for the readers. It's so cozy, I wish my apartment looked like this. I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of coffee and old books. I open my eyes and start walking forward, heading towards the book section. As I pass by a table I look down and see the cute barista. "Hey, you're the guy from the coffee shop?" I say to him, slowly, not wanting to startle him. He looks up, confused for a minute, after a while he started to recognize me. I don't blame him, hundreds of customers per day. Jeez, I'd implode after a while. "Yes, I remember, Seraphine." He said to me gazing into my eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't text you. I've been working major overtime lately, after getting my first promotion. Hey, why don't I get you a coffee for a change? Let me make it up to you." I say, practically asking him out. I silently plead with him, begging him to say yes. I need to get Alaska out of my head. "Yeah, but how about instead of coffee we go get dinner? I get sick of coffee after a while." He says smiling up at me. "Yeah, of course. I never got your name." I say as he begins to get his stuff. "I know a great little dinner down the street. It's called Happy Days, have you heard of it?" I ask him. " My name is Lucas Baird. And yeah, I've heard of it. Never been before. How is it?" he says, looking at me with mischievous eyes. What's he up to? He starts to walk slower than before and comes behind me and grabs my phone from my hand. Switching it to the camera instead of the lock screen and takes a couple of pictures. Then he grabs my thumb pressing it into the home button, opening it. While he holds my hand, he open the setting and put one of his pictures as the lock screen. 'He's still holding my hand.' I self consciously think to myself. I feel like my hand has electricity flowing through it. When he lets it go, the electricity doesn't stop. Just fades to a dull shock. He still has my phone in hand. I look to his face and see his eyebrows are creased in. He's confused. What is he doing? "What are you doing, Lucas?" I ask him, seriously wondering. "I was going to follow myself on instagram, but I have yet to find that app." I instantly laugh... He thinks I'm that kind of girl. Funny. "I don't have instagram or snapchat or facebook or twitter or any social media, really." I say to him, chuckling slightly. Will he think I'm weird? "I knew you'd be different. I knew the moment I saw you." he said to me with a look of wonder in his eyes. I would have been offended by the different comment, but the look of wonder in his eyes struck a chord in me. He really likes me doesn't he. I walk up next to him and grab his hand. We walk until we see the Happy Day's Dinner. We walk in and sit in the booth in the farthest corner. The waitress, Hannah, walks over to our table and bats her eyes at Lucas. "What'll you have sugar?" she says to him. She's really pretty with long blonde flowing hair, and light gray eyes. "My date and I will be having the american favorite, with 2 teas, please. Thanks." he says back to her, with a slightly clipped tone. She scoffs slightly and walks away with her butt swaying... Still trying. "I hope you don't mind the american favorite, she was flirting a little too hard for my liking. I'm sorry, this doesn't usually happen." he says. I immediately bust out laughing knowing part of that wasn't true. "That's a lie." I say to him chuckling slightly. "Girls are all over you 24/7. Have you never noticed how gorgeous you are?" I say as I look sideways at him. "I mean, I know I'm attractive looking. But what matters is on the inside and someone who flirts with you that hard never really knows you, you know." He says to me, thoughtfully. "You're wise beyond your years, you know that?" I say to him. 

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