Chapter I

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The Resistance

Operation rhinoceros was to be the end of the Lutzhand's war machine. Rubbed out dead
Gregory snuffed our his cigarette in his hands
He was already so smeared with Diesel engine drippings and ash
Herman handed off to Gregory a baguette like an American football
Eat. I'm not your mother. Don't be an asshole, where is Emily? She'll smack you if you don't put out that light and stop putzing with this truck

The lutzhand.
Gregory knew he had no time to waste
Things were very bleak
So saddening to bleak he could cry
Every now and then he let his tears flow, silently, good and long. But sure as shit not right now.
Life is very short. Gregory, Emily, Herman were in their twenties

A bleak man once said to me half of us would die

I will eat the dirt of gods earth if half of us survive I really will
Until then I can't risk my appendix exploding.

Herman barked
"Get some sleep "
" Here "

Herman seemed to be the only one left to here Gregory think aloud
He handed the boy a cigarette.

Gregory was only 20 years old and he was in no mistake in charge of the counterlutzhand

Herman was to turn 28 in less than a month. And had a brother who was to turn 18 somewhere in the Old Country

The barn door burst open

It was the toeheaded Emily in her resistance flight jacket
"Radar is going crazy-"

In an instant the wood from the barn door was blown to the ceiling

Emily was gone from the doorway
The doors to the barn were vanished
Emily vanished

Gregory unconscious and Herman saw through cracks in n the dirt mud and debris plastering his eyes and cheeks from moving he couldn't breathe
He could stand
Emily was nowhere to be seen he canvassed the garage with use of his neck

It was excruciating, stiff and he saw no one

Bombs further ascended

The window behind his head blew forward
He could feel it scratching at his face and his forehead from above.

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