Sanosuke Harada-Never Would I Die On You

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"Hey Sano?" I shouted out my door and into the yard.
"Hello y/n what's wrong is Hijikata working you hard again?" He said as he walked over
"yeeeeessss! I can't read this, help me with this word!! It's just staring at me and....I feel like it's mocking me! " I moaned at him.
"Hahaha you do have a strange logic y/n, which one?" he stated looking at the page
"This one?" he said pointing to a word on the page
"No,the one next to it!"
"This one?" again he pointed
I grabbed his finger and placed it on the word, I really was getting frustrated now!
I've been living with the Shinsengumi for just over seven months now and I've got to know everyone but the one I feel I've grown most close to is Sanosuke Harada...
He's just been there for me in every circumstance and....I've fallen for him...hard.
But there is one thing I lack that many others have and it's been my downfall my entire life.
I can't read...
When ever I look at words on a page everything just looks blurred and the letters all look backwards!
I get frustrated easily so I just used to give up instantly.
My mother told me no man would want a woman who was so lacking in education...
She gave up on me and so did my father....
But Toshizo noticed and he decided to give me lessons....
At first I refused his help, I didn't think he's would make a difference but them he convinced me to come to one lesson and I learned so much from just that one lesson...
I decided to accept his help...
Sanosuke and Chizuru are the only two other people that know about my inability to read...
They both supported me and so did Toshizo...

"There!" I shouted blatantly.
"Ah, I see that's easy it's just 'Poem'" He explained
"A poem? what's that?"
"Hmmm let me see if I can explain it right..."

I waited for him as he closed his eyes and folded his arms, he seemed to be thinking hard, then he opened his eyes and said;
"a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas of a person is given intensity, get it?"
Jeez, he was clever...
"Need anymore help?"
"No,I think I should be fine"

But just then Toshizo walked in and dumped two piles of papers on my lap.
"You are to write up the left pile and memorise the right pile and I want them completed in two days time and on my desk in my room"
"What!!! but that's-"
"That's final"

He then glared at me and I knew there was no getting out of this...damn it!
"Thank you" Then he walked off...

"So you still don't need my help?"
"Shut up!"
"Okay if you don't need my help then I'll go..."
He then got up and started to walk out...
"Hm?" he turned around
"Sorry I snapped at you I do need help...." I confessed
"Alright come to my room tonight and I'll help you..."
"huh?!? Isn't that a bit awkward wouldn't that cause the others to-"
"Don't worry about it...I'll see you tonight"
"Err okay?"

Then he walked out of the room leaving me in confusion.
Why was he helping me?
I wonder....

I did what I could during the day and by night fall I was completely over whelmed by words....
No exaggeration...

So I grabbed all my papers and made my way to Sano's room early...

I went in without a second thought as I normally do and...
Sano was getting changed!!!!

" y/n..."
I blushed so much I dropped all my papers all over the floor and flew out the room my face the brightest it has ever been!
I ran out to the yard and sat underneath the nearest tree with my legs up to my chest.
What the hell must he think of me!

I looked up to see Sano, fully changed he sat down next to me and put his arm around me...causing my face to heat up even more...
"Y/n are you alright?"
"Shall we go back to my room?"
"You still want to help me?"
"Of course why wouldn't I?"
"Oh right, look don't worry about that, come on let's go, you don't want Hijikata giving you an earful do you?"
"Alright then"

We both got up and went back to his room and together picked up the earlier scattered papers all over the room.

"Okay so shall we start?" He asked as he sat down opposite me.
"Alright then shall we start with the pile your meant to learn?"
"Ok, there's this"

I handed him a sheet of paper and he looked at it for a while then said;

"Ah, this poem was taught to me as well, I still remember it"
"Yes, alright do you want to start reading?" He said handing it back to me

" 'The m-mou-untai-ins-' "
" 'The mountains in autumn, there are so many fal-falle' "
" 'fallen leaves,looking for my lost wi-wif wi- argh! I can't get it!' "
"let me see?"

I handed It to him
" 'wife' "
"oh ok, 'there are so many fallen leaves, looking for my lost wife..."
A thought occurred to me
"Hey Sano?"
"You should be reading..."
"yeah yeah, but I have a question for you"
"Go on..."
"Have you ever thought about having a wife and a family?"

He looked slightly shocked but he quickly regained his cool composure.
He closed his eyes for a moment and he then opened them and looked straight at me.
"Honestly, my dream is to have a loving wife and settle down and have a quite life..."
"So why don't you?"
He gave me a look that said 'Are you serious?'
"Right point taken..." I said
"Besides I could never leave the woman I love"

This spiked my interest as well as made my heart sink, he had a lover?
"O-oh, do you see her regularly?" I asked
"Is she beautiful?"
".....Do I know her?"
"I see....." He must be talking about Chizuru...

"What about you y/n? Anyone you've got your eye on?"
"oh really? do tell..."
"c'mon I thought I was your friend!"
"yes but you-"
"Well, I guess it can't be helped"
"I need my love to confess her feelings for me, so I guess I'm gonna need to do it myself...."
"y/n, I want you too be the woman I spend my dream with..."
"A-Are you messing with me....Sano!?"
"Does it look like I am ?"
"No but-"
"What do you say...y/n?"
'"I say...yes Sano YES! YES! YES!"

I shouted jumping forwards to embrace him and he caught me with ease and pulled me in for a kiss
Thank you Hijikata for setting me this work!
I never would have known.....


This noise shocked us both and we both looked at each other with confusion...
I got up and slowly walked towards the side room in Sano's room, they thought they could still hide huh?
I opened it and inside were Heisuke and Shinpachi....
They are so dead....

"What the hell are you doing in there!!!"
"We just wanted to see a little action" Shinpachi said
"Bastards!!! get out out out out OUT!" I shouted while Sano just sat there laughing...
It's nice to hear him laugh...

I eventually got them both out and scolded them by whacking them both on the head.
I then returned to Sano's embrace....
"You alright, love?" He asked
"Hm, Hijikata can stuff this work I'll do it tomorrow...right now all I need is you"
"That's the same for me as well, let's make tonight...memorable..."
"That would be nice..."
"Indeed, I love you...y/n"
"I love you Sanosuke Harada you realise you can't die on me you know! Even if it's the shinsengumi, You can't die on me understand?"
"Never Would I Die On You ,Love..." He whispered into my ear and laid me down on the futon...

I wouldn't abandon Sano and I knew he would ever do the same to me....

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