Saito Hajime-I'll Protect You

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I was walking through the town, when I spotted the Shinsengumi out on their usual patrol...

"Look the wolves of Mibu..."
"Why can't they just leave us in peace!"
"They've caused enough trouble already!"
"They talk of protecting us when they are the ones terrorising us...It's despicable..."

I didn't agree with any of the whispers I heard, the Shinsengumi were a group that were here to protect us I knew that for a fact...
I owe one of the members my life...
Saito Hajime...

He blocked a blade that would have killed me, he was hurt in the process though, a small cut but still deep...
So I helped him myself...


"T-Thank you, What can I do to repay you...?" I asked him
"It's nothing just be more careful from now on" he replied, his eyes were so settled hardly a cloud of emotion in them, this man...
"Please I like to settle my debts-ah your hurt!"
"It's just a scratch, it will heal"
"Idiot, if you leave it, it will get infected then you'll be in trouble! come with me"

I grabbed his arm and dragged him off to my home.
I have a good deal of medical experience you see, I can't just let this guy wander off hurt, it would play on my mind too much.
We got to my residence and I sat him down and went to get the medical box.
When I came back I really got a shock.
He had his shirt off , and my god he had a strong chest and was perfectly toned, he was a very good looking man.
"E-er what are you d-doing?!?" I shouted slightly shocked, not to mention my face was bright red!
"You wanted to treat me yes? I highly doubt you could have done it through my clothes...."
"y-yes your right sorry"

I sat down next to him and began to treat the wound on his chest it was deeper than I had originally thought...
"Sorry, this is going to take longer than I expected, it's...quite deep" I said
"That's alright , thank you for this although it wasn't necessary"
"Hey! I couldn't just leave you like that! You could have lost a lot of blood!"
"It wouldn't be the first time"

This man...where did I recognise him from?
No I wouldn't forget such a man...

"Do you get into fights a lot then?" I asked, I know it's not my business but I can't think of any other way to pass the time...
"You could say that..."
"Care to expand on that?"
"Alright then"

Then there was just this awkward silence...he was just staring at me and my face which once again made my face heat up because I was fully aware of it....

"May I ask why you are staring at me?" I asked embarrassed
"How could I not? You are quite beautiful..."

Jeez talk about saying it how it is!...wait what?
"T-Thank you..." I said
"What is your name?"
"It's y/n, y/n l/n"
"I see...a lovely name, it's suits you nicely"
"What about you?"
"Saito Hajime"
"Saito...well Saito I'm almost done then you'll be free to go"
"Thank you y/n"
"It's alright"

I finished bandaging him up and then helped him to get his haori back on.
As I showed him out the door he turned to me and said;

"Thank you..."
"Oh you don't have to thank me, I hate seeing violence"
He seemed quite startled by what I said and a look of sadness flashed through his eyes.
And he went silent...
"Saito? Are you alright?"
"Yes fine, I must be going, but I would like to see you again..."
"Ah, I would like to see you as well, we should meet by the cherry blossom trees they are simply beautiful this time of year!"
"Indeed they are, tomorrow I'll wait for you"
"I'd like that Saito"
"Until tomorrow then...I wish you a pleasant sleep"
"Yes you as well, and go easy on that wound alright?"
"Yes, good evening y/n"
"Goodnight Saito..."

He then did something I did not expect at all.
He hugged me and held me close to him...

"Please be careful y/n Kyoto isn't as safe as it used to be"
"y-yeah, ok"

And then he left.
I think I just found my soul mate...

That was seven months ago and today.....I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him.

I arrived at the Cherry Blossoms trees and they truly were a beautiful sight....only one person could make this even better....


I turned around to see that person...
"Saito...I need to tell you something I-"

But I was interrupted by something even better....Saito's lips on mine and kissing me and I kissed back...
He returns my feelings....thank god...

Over these past few months I had gotten to know Saito and the rest of the Shinsengumi...and Saito was a little reluctant at first to let me see everyone, since I told him I hated violence but nothing could come between me and him anymore.

"I love you y/n"
"Took you long enough!"
"W-what?" He blushed bright red! Ha got him.
"hahaha I'm joking"
"Hahaha you got me, I'll Protect You y/n Always"

And I knew there was no way he was lying.

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