07 - SMUT

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The next morning

Jungkook jolted as he felt pain coursing through his whole body. The jolt managed to wake Taehyung up.

Taehyung sat up from the position where he was cuddled into Jungkook's chest and glanced at the said boy. Jungkook was sweating and jerking profusely. Taehyung knew what was going on; he knew how to help.

He clamped onto Jungkook's chest and straddled his waist, his ass rubbing against Jungkook's hard boner.

Sure his as hurt from the events they previously engaged in hours ago but that didn't mean that he wouldn't do it again.

This also meaning, Taehyung was still prepped and loose.

Tae looked down at the desperate bunny and smirked. This was going to be fun. He caressed Jungkook's chest as he lift his hips and aligned Jungkook's cock to his hole. But before he did anything further, he grabbed the lube from beside him and squirted some on his hand a lathered Jungkook's dick with it.

Jungkook winced at the cold feeling but relaxed again as the heat from Taehyung's hands warmed him up.

Once Taehyung's was satisfied, he aligned Jungkook's dick to his hole and slowly inserted it and sank down.

He felt so full from having Jungkook inside of him again. It made him all warm inside and he loved it.

His train of thought was broke by Jungkook harshly snapping his hips up, pushing his dick further into Taehyung than it already was.

Taehyung gasped in shock but that was soon followed by moans as Jungkook repeated the process until he was gradually getting faster.

He fucked Taehyung so hard that Tae had to hold back sobs as the pleasure was getting too much.

After a few more thrusts, Taehyung came, ribbons of his cum spilled on Jungkook's chest and Jungkook could only look at him with lust-blown eyes filled with adoration.

Left without anymore energy, Taehyung fell onto Jungkook's chest as Jungkook continued to pound into him.

He was going as fast as a rabbit but that would make sense

Jungkook was way past his breaking point as he spilled his seed into Taehyung.

This time, Jungkook pulled out of Taehyung's petite body and stood up with his hands under the boy's smooth honey kissed thighs and carried him to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, he sat Taehyung on the closed toilet lid and started to look underneath the cabinet to retrieve a washcloth. After wetting the rag, Jungkook cleaned off both of the boys chests and Taehyung's hole while peppering light kisses all across the older boy's beautiful skin; praising him for being such a good boy and doing an amazing job.

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