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Again, Jungkook woke up in an empty bed.... But something was different.

He looked at the clock on the side table which read 6:47 am.

He rubbed at his eyes with his sweater paws. Taehyung let him borrow one of his big sweaters and it also ended up being too big on him as well. But it was fine since Taehyung had cooed and called him his cute baby bunny which of course, made the said bunny a blushing mess.

Jungkook removed his balled fists from his eyes and leaned forward with his eyes closed. He kept leaning once he got a whiff of a heavenly scent.

His eyes jolted open as he scrambled back towards the headboard.

Taehyung laughed at the scared boy and placed the tray of food in front of him. He woke up extra early to make breakfast for the two before he left for work.

Jungkook calmed down after taking a few deep breaths and sat in front of Tae, the tray of food between the both.

Taehyung smiled fondly at the boys delighted face as he had already began eating off of one of the plates.

Taehyung looked down at the bed and shook his head, a soft smile never leaving his face.

Tae snapped his gazed back to the bunny and their eyes met and when they did, Jungkook gave a cute bacon filled smile. This boy was seriously too cute for his own good.

It was as if they weren't ever awkward around each other in the first place.

Once Jungkook had finished chewing and had washed it down with some orange juice, he closed his eyes and hummed in delight.

Taehyung couldn't take it anymore and leaned over the plate of food, softly pressing their lips together. Jungkook's eyes opened in shock but they fluttered close as his mind was trying to process the situation.

Jungkook's lips were the softest thing he had ever felt and he never wanted to let go.

Play With Me // T.K // (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now