Chapter 1: It Started with a Tattoo

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I walk into the shop and look at the walls lined from wall to wall with different designs some only varying slightly and others completely different from the ones next to them. I look over the varied array of tattoos everywhere.

I come across the words Stay Strong in fancy script. I needed some of this. I needed a reminder so I wouldn't fall back into that. No! You promised yourself you wouldn't even think about it ever again.

I turn to see the curtain pulled back and the tattoo artist and a random guy I couldn't see very well walked out. I look at them for a few moments then turn back towards the wall. I had made my decision. "Hey!" I scream at the stranger. He looks at me startled. "Can I see your tattoo?" I ask him. I was always curious as to what they got. I would ask the most random strangers and they would look at me weird, but proudly show me the tattoos they just got. He shows me his arm without asking questions. I observe the Zap! tattoo. It looked like it would in comic books.

"Awesome! I love this microphone one! That is epic." I tell him still observing the multiple tattoos I could see. He looked proud of himself for getting this."Hey! Could you help me? I was thinking either getting Ohana or Stay Strong. Would you help me out?" I ask. Why was I asking this random strangers opinion? Well.... simply because he was here.

"Ohana?" He asks in a questioning voice. He had an accent. It sounded British, but I had always been bad with accents.

"You know.... Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. Oooo! Maybe I should get both! ohana on my ankle and Stay Strong on my wrists! I'm a flipping genius!" I smile and laugh."Well.... thanks. I had an epiphany!" I laugh as I follow the tattoo artist to the back room. just before the curtain closes I hear the dude scream, "What's your name?"

"Ally! You?"

"Zayn." He says before smiling and exiting the tattoo place. I look after him. So that was the boy I had a crush on from One Direction. I didn't fangirl at least he thinks I am semi sane. I laugh at myself. Of course I would make a fool of myself in front of my celeb crush. Cause that's just how I roll. I roll my eyes at my own cheesiness and tell the guy what i want. "Stay on my left wrist, Strong on my right wrist and Ohana on my ankle." I tell him, then he gets to work. I feel a sting, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

I look at the finished product as I walk out of the shop. "Hey!" My friend Emily squeals at me. "I'M FEELING SEXY AND FREE LIKE GLITTERS RAINING ON ME!" She screams at the top of her lungs and I join her in singing Domino by Jessie J. I hear a chuckle come from behind us so I turn to start screaming it at the person.

"You!" I says smiling as I turn around to see Zayn. "Aw! Were you waiting for me?" I ask, teasingly. "Well.... I could just faint!" I say as I fall back into Emily's arms. "Ally! What did we say last time!" Emily whines.

"Yeah Yeah. 'No more fainting into me.' I was the one who fell!" She gives me a look.

"You almost knocked me to the ground. I am already clumsy I don't need you adding to it!" She says laughing. Zayn is laughing at our little exchange. I looked at Emily. I had dared her awhile ago if we ever met a member of One Direction she has to write down her number and sing Call Me Maybe to them while she gives him her number.

"Please no, Ally! That was forever a go! I never thought we would actually meet one of them!" She whines. I pull out a piece of paper and write her number on it.

"You have to. It was a dare." I say smiling evilly at her. She humphs, but takes the paper.

"HEY I JUST MET YOU AND THIS IS CRAZY BUT HERE'S MY NUMBER SO CALL ME MAYBE!" She screams at the top of her lungs. She then hands the paper to Zayn who is doubled over laughing.

"That was a great dare! I will have to keep that in mind." Zayn says still laughing.

"Like I said earlier. I'm a flipping genius." I say laughing.

"I'm going to go die in a hole now." Emily says walking away, blushing.

"Wait! PLL later right?!" I scream after her.

"DUH!" She says laughing. I laugh at her and turn back to Zayn.

"If you want to make her faint have Liam call her. Please do it tonight around 7? I want to see this." I say laughing. Zayn nods and looks at me.

"Do you know who I am?" he asks me looking curious.

"Yeah! of course! That's why Emily just sang to you." I say laughing. "I dared her that if she ever met a member of One Direction, she had to sing Call Me Maybe to whoever she met and give them her number." I say smiling.

"No fangirling?" He asks me clearly surprised.

"Little full of yourself aren't you?" I say laughing.

"No. Just relieved." He says coolly.

I look at him smiling.There was something about this boy that made me want to know him better.


Ok! :) I hope you like it! I have 3 more ideas for the series! Please tell me what you think!

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