Chapter 27: The Roadtrip

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(Ally's POV)

The rest of the day passed by in a blur and before I knew it we were on the way back to my house. Well this is going to be interesting.

Brooke, Emily, Vinny and I decided to take a car instead of going on the tour bus with the boys. We wanted to be able to scream lyrics and no one would complain. Oh and we wanted to be able to fangirl with semi-privacy. I mean the Pretty Little Liars Halloween Special was in a couple weeks so we were all freaking out.

We turn on the radio and what happens to be on? Oh yeah. Live While We're Young! We all started screaming the lyrics. Emily calls the boys and we decided to scream the lyrics into the phone to annoy the boys. "TONIGHT LET'S GET SOME! AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!" We scream then hang up right after and laugh our head's off.

"I wish I could've seen the looks on the boys' faces." Emily says laughing.

"I am guessing it was mainly confusion mixed with amusement." Brooke says laughing.

We all start laughing and singing along with Part of Me by Katy Perry which came on the radio.

"This is the part of me

That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

This is the part of me

That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no

Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows

But you’re not gonna break my soul

This is the part of me

That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no!" We sing in harmony.

"Hey! Doctor Who!" Emily screams seeing a billboard that says Doctor Who followed by a weekday and time that it is on. "OMC! David Tennant is so hot! OMC! THAT ACCENT!" Emily says fangirling. All of a sudden we hear laughing coming from her pocket. "But no somparison to Liam. Holy finnicking crap! I was on the phone this entire time. Well this is embarassing. Well.... I am officially going to crawl under a rock. No one ever checks under a rock. It worked in Spongebob. YES! I WILL BE LIKE SPONGEBOB AND HIDE UNDER PATRICK'S ROCK! Wow... I am making this worse for myself.Thanks for the help guys. Come on someone talk besides me!?" Emily rambles. "Wait...... Why haven't I hung up yet?" She says opening her phone "Ciao!" She screams before hanging up.

Zayn's POV

A little bit earlier.......

The girl had called us and sang Live While We're Young, and thought they hung up. They start singing Part of Me by Katy Perry.

"Hey! Doctor Who! OMC! DAVID TENNANT IS SO HOT! OMC! THAT ACCENT!" We all try to hold back laughter and Liam looks kind of jealous. "But he is no comparison to Liam. Holy finnicking crap!" Finnicking? I think as she says this. "I was on the phone this entire time. Well this is embarassing. Well...... I am officially going to crawl under a rock. No one ever checks under a rock. It worked in Spongebob. YES! I WILL BE LIKE SPONGEBOB AND HIDE UNDER PATRICK'S ROCK! Wow.... I am making this worse for myself. Thanks for the help guys. Come on someone talk besides me!? I am just going to hang up and die now. bye." I hear the line go dead.

"Dude....your girlfriend is crazy." I say laughing at Liam.

"Whatever. Your girlfriend is her best friend." Liam says mockingly.

"What are we going to do with them?" I say shaking my head.

"I can think of a few things." Harry says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Dude." I say laughing and shaking my head.

I hear my ringtone going off again, but this time it says that Brooke is the one calling. I answer it and put it on speaker. "Yeah, I need to go back before Corey's birthday. I need to visit his memorial. I have a bracelet dedicated to him. My class bought it for me along with a Willow Tree, you know those little statues. It really means alot to me."

"Aw, Emmy." Brooke, I think, says.

"This month is always really difficult for my mom." Emily sighs.

"So we gotta be back the 11th?" Ally chimes in.

"Yeah. We need to be back by the 11th. That's his birthday. We should do a show in DES Moines on the 11th in honor of Corey. We could sing his favorite songs! It would be amazing. It could be the four of us. The boys probably wouldn't want to sing an extra concert. No. We should have it in the gym at his old high school." Emily says working out all the details. I hang up so they have no idea we heard this.

"Boys, I think we need to practice." I turn to them smiling, and we get to work.


Hope you guys liked it! :) 

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