Chapter 25: Onward!

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(Ally's POV)

We get in the car after about an hour or two and head over to Brooke's house. Oh this will be fun for Harry. I think laughing to myself.

We pull up to a brown house with a field in the back. There were several trucks in the driveway along with a suburban. Brooke barges through the door and yells that she's home. I see two brunette girls come rushing towards us.

"Anna Banana!" Emily screams as she embraces the smaller one in a bone crushing hug. "g. Megan!" She says pulling the other one in a hug. "I missed you guys!" She says and Brooke laughs at the little display. "I am more excited about seeing your sisters than you are." Emily laughs.

"Well I lived with them for all my life pretty much." Brooke rolls her eyes.

"Brookie!" The little one yells hugging her sister. The older one goes to hug her sister.

"Guys, this is Anna and Megan. Anna, Megan, as you probably know, This is One Direction. Oh and this is Ally and Vinny. You already know Emmy." Brooke points to each of us as she says our names.

"This is Anna Banana." Emily smiles and looks at the girl who started hugging her again.

"Hi! I am the bandaid monster!" She screams running away. Louis chases after her and when he catches her he runs in and has her in his arms. "I caught the bandaid monster Haz!" He says proudly while Anna wiggles trying to escape his arms. She wiggles and jumps down and keep running.

"I'm the bandaid monster!" She screams running around.

"How did my sister end up so weird?" Brooke says with a hand on her forehead and shaking her head. 

"Gee I don't know." Emily says her voice dripping with sarcasm and she rolls her eyes.

"Hey! You can't blame this all on me!" Brooke says defensively and Em's phone starts to go off. The ringtone was "When You Were Young" by the Killers I think. "You sit there in your heart ache Waiting on some beautiful boy to-" It cuts off as Emily answers the phone.

"Hello?" Emily says into the phone. "Hey, Madison!" She says into the phone. "Brooke when did your cousin get my number?" She asks Brooke and she shrugs. "Thanks. That was alot of help." Emily rolls her eyes. "Yeah. We are back at Brooke's house and we are staying till late tomorrow. Yeah the guys are here. As long as you don't fangirl." She says laughing. She hangs up and informs Brooke her cousin is coming.

"Niall.... You might want to hide." Brooke says shifting her eyes.

"Why?" He asks warily.

"Because my cousin just might kidnap you." She states. The sad part I am pretty sure she is utterly and completely serious.

"Nialler, you will want to hide." Emily says shaking her head.

An older looking couple walk in right then and look at us. "Brooke! We missed you!" The woman says as she wraps her arms around Brooke.

"Who is this?" A man with a really deep voice asks.

"Harry." Brooke says intertwining her fingers with Harry's. "This is my mom and dad." She says gesturing to the man and woman.

"I'm Jim." The man says holding out his hand.

"No! Jimmy protested!" Louis screams.

"I'm Shelley." The woman says smiling and holding out her hand. We all take turns shaking it and Emily intertwines her and Liam's hands when he is finished shaking Shelley's hand.

"So where are we gonna be sleeping?" Emily asks.

"Right this way." She leads us to Anna and Megan's rooms I am assuming. "Girls in one. Boys in another."

"Thanks, Shelley!" Emily says cheerfully claiming Megan's room for us.

"Boys, this way." Jim says eyeing each of them as if they were going to sneak into his daughter's room at night and molest her or something.

"Why don't the girls have Brooke's room and the guys can sleep in the living room downstairs?" Emily suggests and we all nod in agreement. Brooke leads us downstairs and the boys throw their stuff in ther living room while Brooke's room is exactly like how she left. Her walls were a light blue with posters on the wall and a tree on the wall in one corner.

"Voila! This is my room!" She says smiling proudly.

"Harry won't get off Josh!" Emily says immitating Brooke. I start laughing.

"Remember how I actually called you to ask you about this situation?"

"Yeah." Brooke says giggling.

"I say we need sparkling grape juice!" Emily says laughing. "Oh, the memories we have tied to sparkling grape juice." She says faking wiping a tear away.

"Good times. Good times." Brooke says as she pulls out the grape juice.

"Karlos really should have cut back. Katrin too." Emily starts laughing again and I start laughing with her when I picture Kathryn hopped up on sugar.

I laugh at the mental picture as I feel Zayn curl up beside me and fall asleep wrapped in his warmth.


Hope you guys liked it! :)

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